Monday, June 13, 2016

How times change

We all must have a healthy respect for guns and what they can do. But we should not be scared of guns they are only tools, and it depends on the person with the tool on how that tool is used. I was raised around guns; I cannot remember a time that there wasn’t a gun around my parent’s home. I played with toy guns from as early as I can remember and then with “Real” guns from the time I started to school. I went hunting with my dad and mom, and my dad would set up targets and we would shoot at tin cans. I can also remember getting up on Saturday mornings and taking a 22 rifle or 410 shotgun and going off in the creek bottoms all by myself, I was not more than 12 years old if that. My dad had been in the Navy at the end of WWII and believed in being prepared, and he was always talking to me about gun safety and what a gun could do to a person. I had and still have a strong respect and fear of guns. But I learned a long time ago it is not the gun you fear as much as the person who has that gun in his/her hands.  I was taught shooting also in school. When I got old enough to drive it was nothing to have a deer rifle or shotgun or even both in the back window rack of my old pickup truck. The high school parking lot would be full of them, when it was dove season, or deer season. There never was an uproar about us having guns at school they all knew we knew how to take care and handle them.
After I finished high school I went to work in a bad part of South Dallas, I was working nights and getting off work at or after midnight, I carried a 22 revolver with me at all times. I was only 19 at the time and I bought the gun myself with my own money and no one questioned me on my age or why I wanted it. I as stopped coming out of Dallas one night it was about 2 am and the only reason I was stopped was I was white in the wrong side of town at that time and the policeman was more worried about my safety than anything else. I had the revolver upon the dash of the car, I put it there I did not want any surprises when the policeman walked up to the car, I was asked for my driver’s license, and he asked me why the gun and I told him the truth I was nervous about going home from work at that time of night, he made no big issue out of it or the fact I was only about 20 at the time. This all was the mid-1960s and the world was so much different then. People respected guns, and for the most part people respect other people. I never gave it any thought on the fact that I had been around and using guns since before I could talk or even walk.

We have gotten away from that and it is a total mistake. We have been losing our rights for way to long it is time we start taking back control of the government. It government should be controlled by the people and not the people being controlled by the government. If we are not careful we will be under Marshal Law before the elections are over. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

I wish there was a way

I wish there was a way that someone with normal hearing could hear what I hear, so maybe they would not always put me down when I complain or say what.
There are some even on my family that keep putting me down and it just makes me feel like I am a lesser person or some kind of idiot. 
If only they could hear things the way I do. They do not fully understand my hearing loss, I can hear lower frequencies very well and the higher frequencies good enough but I just can not hear voices or speech, and you but a group in a room all trying to talk at once and it just sounds like a bunch of chicken hens in a chicken pen. It just flat gives me a headache, but if I say something about it then I am crazy and do not know what I am talking about, but it is them that do not understand what I am hearing or not hearing. And they do not understand that hearing aids do not correct hearing loss it only amplifies the noise they are making. My best program for hearing in noise is better than nothing but not good enough to really help. My audiologist has fine tuned the program the best she can, and I really do not believe it is the hearing aids I believe if it my hearing loss that is the issue. I just hope that some day they will be able to get the software good enough to really help me. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My health

I am extremely fortunate to be in the extremely good health that I am in. Yes I have fought with my blood pressure at time, and I have fought with my weight my whole adult life. But I am 68 years old and will be 69 in November and I have never been in the hospital. I have never had a broken bone. But I have had issues with my knees ankles and hips, nothing that bad just aches and pains and maybe arthritis. I walk 5 to 8 miles a day, and my beautiful wife sees to it that I have a healthy balanced diet. I am and have been using the VA clinics since 2004 and have had very good service.
I am hard of hearing and I wear hearing aids provided to me by the VA. Also the VA provides all my supplies and extras that I need for my hearing aids.
I believe my good health is something that God has given me and I know that can change in a heartbeat, and when it does I will turn to my God and to my health providers and take what is in the cards for me. And yes if needed I have the insurance to go to private doctors and health care if I see that that is the best for me. And I do keep a doctor in the private sector just in case.

We should never take our health for granted, I know that to well from watching my dad, mom, grandparents go through their health issues. And also my first and also my second wife have had their issues. My eyes are open to what could and more than likely will happen sometime in my future.
I just pray to God everyday to use me and do with me what he will.
God Bless all of my Friends