How do we succeed in this game of weight loss and maintenance? I have been thinking about this for a long time, and I have been practicing and working at it even longer. Weight loss and weight maintenance is like everything in life it is what you make of it. We all have our wins and failures. We celebrate the wins, and we learn from our failures and keep trying, at least that is the way I was raised. I see so many these days that love to win but never seem to be able to except a failure without giving up. Folks we never learn from our wins we only learn from the failures, but we must be able to analyze the data that was created by that failure, and the win for that matter. What am I saying? I also was raised to keep a journal of my life, to write it all down. Somedays that is just a quick note not even a full sentence, sometimes that could be a page of information. So, for me the habit of journaling has made it easy for me to log everything I eat. But for too many that is a chore that they do not want to take the time to do. I have learned over the years that my journal is my history, it has saved me from getting unneeded medical care, it has prevented me for getting in to trouble with the law and most of all as a child it kept me out of trouble with my parents and grandparents. If we would all get in the habit of recording our lives, we would learn so much about ourselves. And who knows that could even lead to a best seller someday.
Now to my next point of succeeding at weight loss, never ever give up. We all have the ups and downs. We have our wins and losses. We can learn from both if we log and keep a journal but if we do not then we do not really know what we did wrong. Loseit offers us a lot of great tools if we only use them. We get weekly and even daily reports. The daily logs go into databases that we can view and download. We can use a spreadsheet to look at the day and even create our own charts.
So, take advantage of these tools and make the best of your weight loss and maintenance. This is all part of your life style change that you must commit to.