Friday, March 8, 2013

It seems to me that a lot of people come to this site thinking that it is an easy fix. I see the ones that are on here, they lose some weight then disappear, believing that now they have lost the weight it is easy sailing from now on. Come on every one losing the weight is the easy part keeping it off that is the hard part. And it is a journey for the rest of your life, learning the checks and balances of maintaining. And believe me as you change your body you have to change your eating and your exercises. I know that logging everything you eat, and logging your exercises which to me is less important can be a pain. And I cannot tell you how many times that I have been told why bother and others that say you sure are rude for doing this while we are here or eating. My come back is this is this is for the benefit of my health and fitness and I will continue with my logging. And I flatly say that weight loss and weight control is not something you can do without working at it.
Also I am not afraid to ask anyone how much salt is in what they fix. Yes it may make some mad or upset. But it is my health and wellbeing I have to worry about. And I have stopped going to a lot of cafes and all fast food places because of it. But the benefit is that I have learned to cook some of my own meals, and I have learned that I can make it just find on fresh fruits and veggies at times.
So everyone hang in here keep logging and keep learning about your bodies and be welling to change often.

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