Sunday, March 8, 2015

This needs to be said.

I am going to say something that some are going to hate me for say, but the USA in a lot a ways is at fault for what has happened in the Middle East. Why? Because we have forced our ways and our beliefs on other countries and other religions. We also have Politicians that on thing about themselves and do not care about the ones that vote for them. Why? This country has forgotten all about why this country was built upon and why we battled with England. But over the years this country has forgotten the real reason we are here.
I also have to say that we spend way to much time and money trying to be the worlds ruler and savor and we spend to little time and money taking care of our own. Our Politicians are so worried about having as much power as possible and trying to build as much money for themselves and are not even trying to work for the people that put them there. The ones that we put in congress no longer care enough about us to even protect us. We have a President that is trying to give away this country to a bunch of illegal immigrants even hen most of the people of this country has said they do not want it to happen. But he keeps pushing for it. Also when it comes to the battles that are going on in the Middle East he keeps do as little as possible. He keeps going pushing what he wants and not listening to the people of this country. He also never seems to listen to the Military leaders. He seems to think he is a king and does not have to be accountable to anyone or any thing much less the Constitution of the USA.

The courts of this country has gotten to the point that they could careless about what is right or wrong. I have seen myself that lawyers for both sides of the case will as much as stand up and lie to improve their view and to win the case. Oh they do not out right lie they do it by very smooth legal moves that covers up evidence. Whither you want to believe it are not for the most all of the government in this country is corrupt. That means federal, state, and local government.  

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