Saturday, September 10, 2016

Part 2 of Our Government is making us fat.

I see that my thinking was correct that so many would not believe what I said. So let us look at some hard to take thoughts. First off there are over 100 research programs that back up what I said about what the food industry, the diet industry, and the fitness industry is doing to us. Their lobbyist live in DC and they continually pay visits to congress. The industries make their money off of keeping us fat. The medical, and drug industry in turn make their money and fortunes on us been sick and needing their services and their drugs. Do you really think any of this group want to see us anything but fat, out of shape and sick? The standards we know have were put in place in 1980 and ever since the American people have been getting fatter. And at the same time we have been eating less, we have been exercising more, and all of the illnesses have been going up and up.
Americans spend more money on fitness, diet, medical services, drugs, and food then any country in the world. We also eat the unhealthiest foods and have the worst medical serves in the world. Folks the industries do not want us healthy. If we were they lose money.
So what is the problem with our eating, it is simple we were never meant to eat grains, and other starchy foods. We were meant to eat meat, veggies, mostly green, nuts, and seeds. We were never meant to eat foods that have DNA modifications so they have longer shelf life and smaller plants create more food. We were never meant to eat processed foods, and all fast food is processed.
Now for my story over just the last few months of eating correctly. I have lost weight I have eaten more I have exercised less. Yes, you are reading that correctly. What have I changed, I have stopped eating grains, bread, rice, cereal, and white potatoes. My exercise is walking, and a resistance workout once or twice a week. I have lost about 20 pounds in 2 months. I still have 30 or 35 pounds to lose, and I have hit one of the set points or plateaus that we all do. I will get off of it but it will take some time. What will my goal weight be I really do not know but I believe it will be about 200 pounds? Now my doctor wants me down to 185, that I do not believe will happen. Why? I will be far too low in my percent of body fat.  I have done this before and kept my weight down to 199 for almost 2 years. Then I got back on the wagon of eating starchy foods and I gained my weight back. Why? I let a dietitian talk me into eating the government plan. It screwed up my weight, added belly fat, and caused my blood chemistry to go bad.
So what do I eat? Breakfast for me is two eggs, 8 oz. of milk with whey protein, and 5 oz. of tomato juice. Lunch is a piece of fruit and celery sticks. Dinner is usually 5 oz. of meat, a large salad with olive oil, and up to 4 cups of veggies. My snacks are mixed nuts unsalted.  Yes, you are seeing it correctly I have about 40 percent of my diet in fats, but good fats.
So other than losing some weight what has changed for me my blood work is much better but needs more improvements that will come as I lose more weight. I no longer have stomach problems with cramping and gas. And I no longer have painful joints, something that use to keep me on the couch because it hurt to walk. And I no longer have the bad sinus headaches and my allergies are much less.

You may still want to follow what you are told and been told by the industry that wants you fat and sick but for me I will follow what I know works. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Our Governments are making us fat.

What I am about to say will not set well with some of you. Weight loss is a lifetime war not just a battle. You have to commit yourself to fighting to keep your weight off the rest of your life. Losing the weight and reaching your goal is not even half the battle, it is only the first skirmish. The war continues with battle after battle the rest of your life. You will tell yourself that now that I have lost the weight I can eat whatever I wish, well that may be true for a cheat meal or cheat day or two ever now and then. But you will always have to weigh and you will always have to watch what you eat and how much and you will always have to do some exercise.
Then there are some of us me included that will always believe we can lose a little more. Well our bodies have set points that it knows is what is a good weight at certain levels of our lives and our eating habits. We can force our bodies to change set points by what we eat and how much. We also influence our bodies set point by what we eat. For some of use it is different foods, but for me it is starchy foods that clog up my hormones and cause my body to add belly fat. And to be honest most of us have the same reaction to starchy foods. I am finding that I can eat some much more calories as long as I do not eat grains, and potatoes. I eat lots of meats, and green veggies, as well as fruits. I do not eat processed foods, or as I call them factory foods. The results for me has been much less stomach issues, gas pains mostly. I also do not have the joint pains that I once had, just think about doing your walks or jogging and not having knee or ankle pains. Well that has happened for me.
I do not even follow the full plan that says not to eat starchy foods, because it also says that dairy is bad for you, guess what I have my morning glass of whole milk with whey protein without any issues and I am still losing my belly and weight. Now more than likely I would lose more of my belly and lose weight faster if I did not drink my milk but that is my choice and it is working for me. We all have to experiment and find what works for us, then we have to stay with what works. If we eat the right foods I am finding that I reach the weight that my body needs to be at and it hold there to within 5 to 10 pounds. The key is keeping our hormones happy and health, which in turn keeps us health, we have to exercise but we do not have to kill ourselves with it. For me it is walking every day, something I love to do anyway. And some weekly or twice a week resistance workouts that I do because I have to not because I want to.
We will always at least most of us be at war with our weight and there will be battle after battle and skirmish after skirmish but we all can handle it as long as we set our mines to doing so.
PS: At least for me I have put the concept of low fat and no fat out of my thoughts. Fat is good, yes I said it fat is good as long as it is not created in a factory. I do not eat foods created in a factory. But I eat foods created by mother nature. I love meat but stay away from meat from animals that were forced fed grains, to fatten them. I love range fed only. Why because if the animals the meat come from were grain fed then I am going to get the same hormone clogging issues as if I ate the grain myself.

Yes, I know that I am going against and fighting what the food industry has force upon our governments to preach to us about grains are needed, and starchy foods are good. It just is not true, and our own governments are making us fat, to that the diet and fitness industries can get rich off of our backs.  

Monday, June 13, 2016

How times change

We all must have a healthy respect for guns and what they can do. But we should not be scared of guns they are only tools, and it depends on the person with the tool on how that tool is used. I was raised around guns; I cannot remember a time that there wasn’t a gun around my parent’s home. I played with toy guns from as early as I can remember and then with “Real” guns from the time I started to school. I went hunting with my dad and mom, and my dad would set up targets and we would shoot at tin cans. I can also remember getting up on Saturday mornings and taking a 22 rifle or 410 shotgun and going off in the creek bottoms all by myself, I was not more than 12 years old if that. My dad had been in the Navy at the end of WWII and believed in being prepared, and he was always talking to me about gun safety and what a gun could do to a person. I had and still have a strong respect and fear of guns. But I learned a long time ago it is not the gun you fear as much as the person who has that gun in his/her hands.  I was taught shooting also in school. When I got old enough to drive it was nothing to have a deer rifle or shotgun or even both in the back window rack of my old pickup truck. The high school parking lot would be full of them, when it was dove season, or deer season. There never was an uproar about us having guns at school they all knew we knew how to take care and handle them.
After I finished high school I went to work in a bad part of South Dallas, I was working nights and getting off work at or after midnight, I carried a 22 revolver with me at all times. I was only 19 at the time and I bought the gun myself with my own money and no one questioned me on my age or why I wanted it. I as stopped coming out of Dallas one night it was about 2 am and the only reason I was stopped was I was white in the wrong side of town at that time and the policeman was more worried about my safety than anything else. I had the revolver upon the dash of the car, I put it there I did not want any surprises when the policeman walked up to the car, I was asked for my driver’s license, and he asked me why the gun and I told him the truth I was nervous about going home from work at that time of night, he made no big issue out of it or the fact I was only about 20 at the time. This all was the mid-1960s and the world was so much different then. People respected guns, and for the most part people respect other people. I never gave it any thought on the fact that I had been around and using guns since before I could talk or even walk.

We have gotten away from that and it is a total mistake. We have been losing our rights for way to long it is time we start taking back control of the government. It government should be controlled by the people and not the people being controlled by the government. If we are not careful we will be under Marshal Law before the elections are over. 

Friday, June 10, 2016

I wish there was a way

I wish there was a way that someone with normal hearing could hear what I hear, so maybe they would not always put me down when I complain or say what.
There are some even on my family that keep putting me down and it just makes me feel like I am a lesser person or some kind of idiot. 
If only they could hear things the way I do. They do not fully understand my hearing loss, I can hear lower frequencies very well and the higher frequencies good enough but I just can not hear voices or speech, and you but a group in a room all trying to talk at once and it just sounds like a bunch of chicken hens in a chicken pen. It just flat gives me a headache, but if I say something about it then I am crazy and do not know what I am talking about, but it is them that do not understand what I am hearing or not hearing. And they do not understand that hearing aids do not correct hearing loss it only amplifies the noise they are making. My best program for hearing in noise is better than nothing but not good enough to really help. My audiologist has fine tuned the program the best she can, and I really do not believe it is the hearing aids I believe if it my hearing loss that is the issue. I just hope that some day they will be able to get the software good enough to really help me. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My health

I am extremely fortunate to be in the extremely good health that I am in. Yes I have fought with my blood pressure at time, and I have fought with my weight my whole adult life. But I am 68 years old and will be 69 in November and I have never been in the hospital. I have never had a broken bone. But I have had issues with my knees ankles and hips, nothing that bad just aches and pains and maybe arthritis. I walk 5 to 8 miles a day, and my beautiful wife sees to it that I have a healthy balanced diet. I am and have been using the VA clinics since 2004 and have had very good service.
I am hard of hearing and I wear hearing aids provided to me by the VA. Also the VA provides all my supplies and extras that I need for my hearing aids.
I believe my good health is something that God has given me and I know that can change in a heartbeat, and when it does I will turn to my God and to my health providers and take what is in the cards for me. And yes if needed I have the insurance to go to private doctors and health care if I see that that is the best for me. And I do keep a doctor in the private sector just in case.

We should never take our health for granted, I know that to well from watching my dad, mom, grandparents go through their health issues. And also my first and also my second wife have had their issues. My eyes are open to what could and more than likely will happen sometime in my future.
I just pray to God everyday to use me and do with me what he will.
God Bless all of my Friends

Thursday, May 5, 2016

More of my feelings ant Thoughts.

This country has been torn a part by our so called president and his down right hateful politics and executive orders. We have had more mass murders under his command. And if you will stop and think about it you will see that all of the mass murders, and highest number of killings have happened in gun free zones, and where the gun controls are most restrictive, why you may ask, because criminals and terrorist are smart enough to attack the points of least resistance, that is just common sense. Why would they go where there are even the possibility that there could be more guns waiting to counter their evil.
Our so called president has set back the relationships between the races in this country by almost a century, with his words of hate and his lack of respect for our military and police forces. He has given the criminal element in this country the free hand to do what they want to with very lot or no feeling they will be prosecuted and if they are the lawyers will do their best to make it look like it was the police or the victim that was at fault. It has even come to the point the victim is at fault if he wants to protect himself.
And oh yes we have our welfare system that rewards the lazy butts that do not want to do anything and they want the ones that work to pay their way. Another democratic policy that has gone bad.
And now we have the blacks in this country that say the whites owe them what ever the whites have, I say BS if you really read your history slavery was really blacks enslaving blacks that started this whole mess.
And now days it is the citizens of the USA that are more and more every day and year being forced into slavery by the very ones that we are stupid enough to vote to run our country. I say again this country is in as bad a shape and as close to civil war as it was back in the 1860s when we had our first civil war. But this time it needs to be another revolution. And I hope it starts with the election cycle and it does not have to be violent.
I also say again that our two party system is broke. Neither the democrats nor the republicans are listening the the people. Yes we have some in this country that are to the far side both right and left but far more are closer to the middle. But they the majority are not being heard because of our media, and our two parties.
I will vote for Trump because at least right now I believe he is listening to the majority of the citizens that are in the middle politically.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Just my thoughts and opinions.

What I am about to say is my own opinion. I am a person that believes in a higher being, God. I am someone that believes in the bible. I am also someone that does not like racist. And the worst racists are the ones that claim someone or some other groups are racists. Believe it or not racists have been around since almost the beginning of time. We have it in our genes and I really do believe that. From the beginning of time we have also been divided along the lines of believes. Also from the beginning of time we have needed gods to guide us and tell us what to do, but mostly we needed gods to blame for our own believes and to blame for what we did to others. I also believe in the Ten Commandments; they should be followed to keep this world in line. We have had religious wars from the beginning of times, and most wars even today are due to different religious believes. Why do you really think that is so, well I believe it is in our genome, I believe it is in the way we were created. We did not just happen on this earth and we did not just evolve from apes or other cells as the scientist want us to believe.  Yes, we have some of the same cells as other animals be we also have cells that could not have evolved for other animals. I am not saying we are better than other animals either, if you look at nature and you look at the animal world you will find that most animals in the wild get along better than we humans do. They animals have learned and learn in the ever changing world how to survive and how to get along with their ever small environment. We humans seem to be just the opposite we just fight that much more and we think the answer is to kill each other and we believe that the individual is more important the group. There was a time that we all depended on the family group, then the village, but now days it is every one for him/herself. That stems from our selfish ways.
Folks the bible talks about this if you bother to really read, the bible is telling us what is happening today if you really read it. We are not writing our history as we go our history was written for us a very long time ago. Also we love to forget the history of our ancestors, and that always comes back to bite us in the butt. It seems these days that we want to erase our past history like it never happened. But what we should be doing, and frankly we are not, is learning from our history and not making the same mistakes again, but we just keep making the same old mistakes over and over.
Now I am going to give you my believe in what we are going wrong here in the not so good old USA.  First our education system sucks, we are not teaching our kids to be independent thinkers, we are teaching them on not think for themselves. We are not teaching our kids to have common sense but just the opposite. We teach our kids how to pass test by memorizing test questions and answers. That is not preparing them for the future unless we are want a bunch of robots. So we just programing our kids the way we program computers, to do what we want them to do without thinking for themselves.
We have gotten so dependent on devices that we no longer pay attention to what is going on around us, we believe what we see on the boob tube, and the internet to the point we no long think for ourselves. In short we have falling in to the same trap that has caused so many other countries to fall. The likes is Germany under Hitler, the Romans of old etc. It is happening to us and is you had a lick of common sense you could see it happening.
Our politicians have been lying to us and stealing from us so long, that we come to say it is business as normal. We do not have a media that is free and open we have a media that is owned by the democratic party. We have a liberal media that lies to use every day to the point what too many believe it is true. We have Facebook another liberal social media that never really gives us anything but lies and we all fall for it.
We have a so called president that has sold this country out to the Islamic terrorist and still too many do not see it. Our so called president and most other of our modern democratic presidents have all weakened our military to the point that we would have a very hard time defending ourselves. Now that same president and the same democratic party is wanting to take the guns away for our militia, the citizens of the USA. Why because they know we have the fire power to defend ourselves and that do not want that. I am going to ask you a question and I want you to think about it. Why did not Japan invade the USA that sure could have right after Pearl Harbor. Japan knew that the American people were armed and that the we would use our arms to defend our country. The Japanese was scared of that. So know the UN and other countries want to disarm us. Do you really thing this is something the democratic party along wants. It is the world order that wants to disarm us and make us slaves to the UN, and when then happens this country will no longer be. We should get out of the UN we should build our wall around our country and we should straighten our military, and we as USA citizens should all be well armed and ready for what is to come and it will come very quickly.
I know my thinking may seem so old fashioned to a lot of you younger people but I have seen this coming for a long time. I am going to tell you something else, that you more than likely will not believe, but I believe the worst thing we ever did was invade Iraq in the first place. Or better yet I will say the worst thing we did was try to force our way of life on the tribes of the Middle East this again was the fact that we did not understand the bible and the history of the area, as well as we should. The tribes of Adam and Eve, yes the 12 tribes from the beginning has always been a war with each other. It will never change until the end times. We should have never steered up the bee hive my grandpa would say. We just made things worse. We are the evil ones because we stuck our noses into their business and we should have left well enough alone.
Last notes, politicians are all liars, cheats, and only looking out for their own pocketbook. And if you believe otherwise you have been brain washed like so many others. And you want to know what there are so many lawyers, well the answer is simple what are most politicians, the answer I am sorry to say is lawyers. They are all looking out for their bottom line and not yours.
A vote for Hillary or Sanders is a vote for the failure of the USA plain and simple. The democratic party is not the party of the people and really never has been. The republican party is of course the party of the business man and that too is not really the party of the people. But if I will choose someone with good business sense any day.
We need term limits for all elected officials of the country federal, state, and local. We should have term limits on our Supreme court judges for the same reason. They are a pointed but they are a pointed by our elected officials and should have a limit of say 20 years. But our other officials should have an 8 to 12 year limit.
Power corrupts. And longer someone is in office the more power that steal from us the citizens.  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

My feelings on politics and politicians

I was asked over the weekend my feelings on politics and politicians, well here I go. If a person that goes in to politics is in it for more than say a year, then they most likely are corrupt. That goes for local, state, and Federal government. Also I will say that most corporate management jobs are political in nature and most of them are corrupt in some form or another. If a person is in a position that he was voted into, he will end up being corrupted just to be able to accomplish anything. And if he/she choses to stay in politics he/she will have to except money from some group or corporate funds and that makes him/she corrupt at that point. There is just no way around it. It takes money to run for any political post and not very many people have that kind of money. So they ask for money to help them gain the post and that is where they become corrupted and have to do what the ones with the money want them to do. That is the way the system works, and that is why our local, state, and Federal Government is in such bad shape.

You may say that cannot be. Then ask yourself a question how do politicians that have no money going in to politics become so rich. It damn sure is not the salary that they get paid for the position.