Monday, May 2, 2016

Just my thoughts and opinions.

What I am about to say is my own opinion. I am a person that believes in a higher being, God. I am someone that believes in the bible. I am also someone that does not like racist. And the worst racists are the ones that claim someone or some other groups are racists. Believe it or not racists have been around since almost the beginning of time. We have it in our genes and I really do believe that. From the beginning of time we have also been divided along the lines of believes. Also from the beginning of time we have needed gods to guide us and tell us what to do, but mostly we needed gods to blame for our own believes and to blame for what we did to others. I also believe in the Ten Commandments; they should be followed to keep this world in line. We have had religious wars from the beginning of times, and most wars even today are due to different religious believes. Why do you really think that is so, well I believe it is in our genome, I believe it is in the way we were created. We did not just happen on this earth and we did not just evolve from apes or other cells as the scientist want us to believe.  Yes, we have some of the same cells as other animals be we also have cells that could not have evolved for other animals. I am not saying we are better than other animals either, if you look at nature and you look at the animal world you will find that most animals in the wild get along better than we humans do. They animals have learned and learn in the ever changing world how to survive and how to get along with their ever small environment. We humans seem to be just the opposite we just fight that much more and we think the answer is to kill each other and we believe that the individual is more important the group. There was a time that we all depended on the family group, then the village, but now days it is every one for him/herself. That stems from our selfish ways.
Folks the bible talks about this if you bother to really read, the bible is telling us what is happening today if you really read it. We are not writing our history as we go our history was written for us a very long time ago. Also we love to forget the history of our ancestors, and that always comes back to bite us in the butt. It seems these days that we want to erase our past history like it never happened. But what we should be doing, and frankly we are not, is learning from our history and not making the same mistakes again, but we just keep making the same old mistakes over and over.
Now I am going to give you my believe in what we are going wrong here in the not so good old USA.  First our education system sucks, we are not teaching our kids to be independent thinkers, we are teaching them on not think for themselves. We are not teaching our kids to have common sense but just the opposite. We teach our kids how to pass test by memorizing test questions and answers. That is not preparing them for the future unless we are want a bunch of robots. So we just programing our kids the way we program computers, to do what we want them to do without thinking for themselves.
We have gotten so dependent on devices that we no longer pay attention to what is going on around us, we believe what we see on the boob tube, and the internet to the point we no long think for ourselves. In short we have falling in to the same trap that has caused so many other countries to fall. The likes is Germany under Hitler, the Romans of old etc. It is happening to us and is you had a lick of common sense you could see it happening.
Our politicians have been lying to us and stealing from us so long, that we come to say it is business as normal. We do not have a media that is free and open we have a media that is owned by the democratic party. We have a liberal media that lies to use every day to the point what too many believe it is true. We have Facebook another liberal social media that never really gives us anything but lies and we all fall for it.
We have a so called president that has sold this country out to the Islamic terrorist and still too many do not see it. Our so called president and most other of our modern democratic presidents have all weakened our military to the point that we would have a very hard time defending ourselves. Now that same president and the same democratic party is wanting to take the guns away for our militia, the citizens of the USA. Why because they know we have the fire power to defend ourselves and that do not want that. I am going to ask you a question and I want you to think about it. Why did not Japan invade the USA that sure could have right after Pearl Harbor. Japan knew that the American people were armed and that the we would use our arms to defend our country. The Japanese was scared of that. So know the UN and other countries want to disarm us. Do you really thing this is something the democratic party along wants. It is the world order that wants to disarm us and make us slaves to the UN, and when then happens this country will no longer be. We should get out of the UN we should build our wall around our country and we should straighten our military, and we as USA citizens should all be well armed and ready for what is to come and it will come very quickly.
I know my thinking may seem so old fashioned to a lot of you younger people but I have seen this coming for a long time. I am going to tell you something else, that you more than likely will not believe, but I believe the worst thing we ever did was invade Iraq in the first place. Or better yet I will say the worst thing we did was try to force our way of life on the tribes of the Middle East this again was the fact that we did not understand the bible and the history of the area, as well as we should. The tribes of Adam and Eve, yes the 12 tribes from the beginning has always been a war with each other. It will never change until the end times. We should have never steered up the bee hive my grandpa would say. We just made things worse. We are the evil ones because we stuck our noses into their business and we should have left well enough alone.
Last notes, politicians are all liars, cheats, and only looking out for their own pocketbook. And if you believe otherwise you have been brain washed like so many others. And you want to know what there are so many lawyers, well the answer is simple what are most politicians, the answer I am sorry to say is lawyers. They are all looking out for their bottom line and not yours.
A vote for Hillary or Sanders is a vote for the failure of the USA plain and simple. The democratic party is not the party of the people and really never has been. The republican party is of course the party of the business man and that too is not really the party of the people. But if I will choose someone with good business sense any day.
We need term limits for all elected officials of the country federal, state, and local. We should have term limits on our Supreme court judges for the same reason. They are a pointed but they are a pointed by our elected officials and should have a limit of say 20 years. But our other officials should have an 8 to 12 year limit.
Power corrupts. And longer someone is in office the more power that steal from us the citizens.  

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