I see so many that want to turn their health, and weight management into a game. This is not a game it is our lives that we are dealing with. We should not be in a rush to lose weight, the best way to lose the weight is to change our lifestyle so we control our weight over the long run. We lose the weight slowly by eating real food, and controlling our portions. I understand that for some they will need to stop eating some foods that they are allergic to, that is causing their weight issues. But for most it is just a case of eating real food, staying away from processed foods and fast foods most of the time. I also except the concept there are times that we will either have to eat less clean as they say, that is going to happen. But the concept is that we eat clean at least 80% of the time. The other thing that I see is that they want to make it a challenge to beat someone else, to me that is completely wrong, the only one you should be challenging is yourself. We should all challenge ourselves to do better today than we did yesterday. That could mean eating more real foods today than yesterday. I could mean walking a little farther today than yesterday. I could just mean to have a better outlook on life today than yesterday.
The most import thing I want everyone to understand is this we should never rush our weight loss, we should be working slowly at losing the weight with the thought in mine that we are going to have to maintain that weight loss once we reach that goal.
Now on to something else that most seem to miss understand. This misunderstanding is easy to happen with our TVs and internet being full of this concept lose the weight ASAP. But not of those ads give you any indication of how you are going to keep that weight off. Really they know you will not and that is what they are banking on. They want your money!! Remember that they want your money.
You have to come up with a plan to lose your weight that you are willing to stay with the rest of your life. I repeat myself “You have to come up with a plan to lose your weight that you are willing to stay with the rest of your life.” I will explain my reasoning if you follow the correct plan when you reach your weight goal or as I am going to say here the weight your body should be at you will be eating the correct amount of calories per day and you will be exercising the correct about each day and you should continue at that level from now on. But you will have to make some adjustments a long for age. As we get older we need less for the same weight.
My plan as I have it is this I eat to not feel hungry and at the same time I stop eating before I feel too full. How to you know when you reach this point? For me it has slowly happened over time. I have been working at it now for over 6 years. Does that mean I am going to stop logging? No, I am not. You see logging is part of my plan and it comes easy to me. I have been journaling for my whole life. I feel like something is missing if I do not log my food.
My last commit is this we are all different and we all have to find what works for each of us. But I will say this crash diets do not ever work.
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