The day started out with getting up at 4:20 am. Breakfast of steel cut oats. Then a drive for home to Tulsa, Oklahoma to get our new scooters. Saturday morning was cool and the first part of the drive in the scenic route over the hills here in the area. But we drove it in the dark. I became daily as we reached the valley on the other side of the mountains really hills), the locals which we are becoming call them mountains but after seeing the Sierra Mountains, and the Rocky Mountains these are hills. Once we reached the highway it was daylight and it was a beautiful drive. We managed to get to Tulsa and the bike shop at just about the time it opened.
Our scooters were waiting for us and they are beautiful and much larger than I had expected. We finally met the dealership manager that we had talked to so many times and emailed back and forth so many more time. We paid for them then started to put them on our little golf cart trailer and it became very obvious that the trail was too small to handle the two 370 pound scooters.
So we left the dealership with directions to a trailer company that the scooter deanship manager sent us to, with the owner waiting for us even thou he was closing up. We got a much better trailer and went through the process of unloading and reloading the scooters. Then is became obvious that we are going to have to find a way to bolt down the wheel chokes that we have they work too good and do not want to release the bikes.
The drive home was much slower due to the heavier trailer and the bikes. We stop several times to make adjustments to the strappings and to eat lunch/supper at Cracker Barrow. I had the chicken and dumplings, which are always good at the Cracker Barrow. We finished our drive home back down the very scenic route this time Linda was able to see the sights.
We managed to get home just before dark and we had to unload the scooters which turned out to be harder than we hoped for seeing the scooters still did not want to come out of the wheel chokes. This is something we have to fix before we have to trailer them again. Managing to get them in the garage turned out to be much harder than expected too. You see the garage door had failed on us on Friday evening. The cables broke so we cannot get the door up. So we had to bring the scooters in the side door to the garage, which turned out to be much harder than we expected seeing the yard is all loose small rocks. The scooters do not like to be off the hard paved roads. The scooters really dug into the rocks and we had a hell of a time getting the first one in the garage. He had to really manhandle it to get it over the rocks. Once we managed to get the first on in the garage the other one was not as hard after we managed to get it out of the chokes and off the trailer.
Then it was the trailers turn to get in the backyard. The new one is so much heavier and wider than the old one that it is a real job manhandling it. You see we cannot get it back there with the Jeep we have to do it by hand.
We also found out we are going to really have to relearn how to ride them. They are automatic transmission and they are as complicated as modern cars, with all the computers and even remote controls. It has been a long time since either of us have ridden, so we need to find a place to practice and get use to them.
I was so sore from the day and loading unloading of the scooters and manhandling the trailer that I took an Advil and 10 milligrams of melatonin, then a very hot shower and went to bed. I slept very hard and woke up just before 7:00am dressed and went to Easter Service at church. The home for a pancake and bacon breakfast. My weight was the same as it has been for a while this morning. I am sure some of that was the extra salt in the chicken and dumplings for Cracker barrow.
I went out to put the GPS mount on my scooter and found it just is not going to work the way it need to be. I have figured out that the GPS will stick to the windshield with the bracket that comes with the GPS, and I believe it will work OK as long as I remove it and re-stick it each time I ride. This is not ideal but it puts the GPS right where I want it to be. I have to put the mud guards on the scooters so I may try to do that today too.
I am adding a few pictures to this post of the scooters.

I got the mud guards installed