Friday, January 30, 2015

Folks I believe we need a big change in this Country.

If you follow the Liberal way of thinking now downs (by the way I do not) then it is not politically correct to say what you really think and believe in. The liberals believe that you should never say anything to upset them but it is only to put down any Conservative for our believes.
As for as me I was raised on the farm and my granddad and my dad were Democrats and was so upset with me after in went in the Navy then came home due to my Conservative believes. As for as I am concerned I am neither Democrat nor Republican, I am some where in between. I have some very liberal believes and some very conservative believes. Therefore I am do not vote in any of the primaries because I do not wish to be labeled. The only way I would vote in any of the primaries is if I could vote in each of them to give my feelings on who I like on both sides. The I would vote for the person that I really wanted on election day or in some cases voting early.
But really and truly our two party system is totally broken and the two parties needed to be thrown to the dogs, and we need to be able to have a popular vote, and at the same time we need to throw out the electoral college and go with the popular vote. We also need to stop all of the damn buying of our elected officials by putting all of the lobbyist out of business. Boy wouldn't that prevent some of these politicians from getting rich. Because you know as well as I do that there is no way that can get rich on what they get for government pay. Even if they are not corrupt when they go in to congress they are before long and you know as well as I do that is the only reason they stay in congress as long as they do is because they are being paid off by the lobbyist, and that is where they get rich. And it seems that we all look the other way. I guess that I am so old now that I could give a damn about hurting someones feelings, but I believe in saying what I think.

I do not know about you but I want someone to run this country that says what he really thinks, and does what is needed for the people of this country. Which means that person does not mind stepping on toes. And while I am at it we have to stop sending our hard earned money to other countries that do not give a damn about the USA other than the money they get from us.

Folks I believe we need a big change in this Country.  

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Just a few of my ramblings

I had a dream that I was standing in front of a joint meeting of the Representatives and the Senators, and I was telling them what was wrong not only with this Country but also the world. First and foremost the issue is that we spend too much of our time and money working about the rest of the world and not our own issues here in the USA. Second we have gotten to be a country that only worse about the almighty dollar. I am not just talking about the ones who represent us but most all of us. We also are too judgmental. We look so much at what the other person is doing and judging them that we cannot see our own issues. Also when it comes to our religious beliefs, we seem to believe that we each believe is the only way. I am here to tell you that as long as you believe in right and wrong you are believing correctly. Do I believe in God? Yes, I believe there is a Higher Being. Do I believe that the Christian Bible is the only true answer? No, the Bible has been given down to us from our ancestors and it is the way that they believed and the way that they were taught. But I do believe in Jesus, I do believe in the teachings of Jesus. If we all believed in the concept that we do not steal, that we do not take someone else life, and that we do not want what the other person has we would be a much better world. This world has not changed over the history because we as the people of the world have not learned from the past. I believe that we all come from the original 12 tribes that is talked about in the Bible and I also believe that we still fight because that was the way it was from the beginning of time. And what has this fighting been all about. It has been all about our religious beliefs, and also that we have always wanted power, and what the other person has. That is so true today as it was then.
Also let me say that I believe in charity, but charity starts at home. The USA sends too much money to other Countries because it thinks that we can buy them off to be friends. This other countries could give a damn about us all they want is the damn money folks. Also when it comes to guns let me say I believe that we have the right to have and care guns, but I do not believe that the general public has the right to own military weapons. The AK47 and the like should be banned from public use and ownership.  
We are all created equal under the law and under our God. We have to stop looking down on others. But to go along with that I believe we have to earn that right. Which to mean if you steal, rob, kill, rape our any other crime you lose your rights. But I also believe that it is possible to make a mistake as long as you learn from it and do not keep making it over and over.
The color of a person’s skin should not be a reason to look down on that person. Only the actions of that person deserves judgment and never by a single person.

I have been asked what I would do if I was President. Well that could never happen, first off what I see that needs to be done could never be handled by a single person, it would have to be handled by all of the people of this Country and world finally agreeing on what needs to be done. It would mean that we never as a single person judge another single person. It would mean that we finally agree to disagree, and that we look for a common point to compromise on. It would also mean that we have to come to the point that everyone has something to bring to the table. And that everyone has an equal vote. We have to get to the point that money is not where the power is at. It has always been that way and I really do not see that changing.

Monday, January 19, 2015

This is something I wish everyone believed in

Martin Luther King said it the correct way in his speech. That we all should be judged by the conduct of our character and not the color of our skin. I believe in that with all my heart. And I really believe that most do but there are still the ones that look only at the color of our skins. 

I am adding this my step daughter posted this and I am reposting it to honor her and to honor the world as it should be.

Re-post . Martin Luther King Jr said in his speech . We should judge people on their character not their skin color ..... 
I try to do this.
I see your actions and words above your skin . I will notice your Bad behavior and a negative attitude, which makes you less; regardless of your skin color, nationality, or religion.. 
Mind and heart makes the person. 
Too many use their skin to excuse negative actions or preceptions towards others. 
Exercise your mind , expand your heart , monitor your own actions AND create the person in yourself you want to fill the world with. BE THE EXAMPLE

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Just something on my mind today

I was just watching TV and my brain was wondering, then all of a sudden this came to me. There is nothing more important in life than our health. But what is health? Being healthy is something we all want but do we really do not know what it means to be healthy or how to truly be healthy.
I sure do not, and I have not really found a doctor that knows how either. Most doctors just want to push pills of kind down you. And the health industry does not really want anyone healthy because if we all were they would be out of business. So what is healthy, the best we can do is to eat correctly. But what really is eating correctly. Everyone you ask will give you a different answer.
So what are we to do? Use common sense and exercise, but exercise does not mean working yourself to death and becoming so tired and so torn down that it makes you sick.
Well life is a balance of building yourself up and breaking yourself down. It is a balancing act of what you eat, what you do for a living, the exercise you get, and the faith you have, or what you really believe in. Health has a lot to do with having a positive attitude on life. And also health has a lot to do with the friends and relatives that you have around you. Health is never helped if you are stressed by work, or so called friends.
Life can be improved by learning how to handle the stress in your life, eating the correct foods for your life style and exercising enough to work your hearth and body without stressing your body and mind. It is great to listen to others, to read and research but it is very important to use common sense.
I guess all that this comes down to is that we all have to think for ourselves and to do what is correct for ourselves. We all have to learn not to be pressured into do what others believe we should do. The stress alone would make us less healthy.

I know this is not well organized but it is just what my brain has roaming around at this time.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Learning to eat only when hungry

I feel so much better now that I am only eating when hungry and  not just due to stress, habit, or its that time. Food also taste so much better, and you will over time get to your correct weight.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Where/how do we learn

While most everyone believes that their  school/college they went/go to is their education, really your education comes to you when you finally know how to learn and you continue learning your whole life.

Monday, January 12, 2015

My morning thoughts.

When things are not going the way you think they should set down and take note on what you have been doing. Most of the time you will see what you have been do wrong. And if you find nothing wrong with what you have been doing then it is time to make a change and try something different. 
Just something that came to me this morning while setting in the middle of the floor being loved my my little fury guys.

Monday, January 5, 2015

I saw the movie 'The Unbroken'

I went today and saw 'The Unbroken'. It is a great movie and what I found was that it did a great job of hitting the highlights of the book. If the movie covered the whole book I am guessing it would have had to be 10 to 15 hours long. Also the movie did a great job of showing what needed to be shown without the language that was in the book. I highly recommend to read the book then see the movie. You will be able to follow the movie much better.

Happy New Years.

What a wonderful weekend, and it is going to be a great week this week. Over the weekend we finally had our family Christmas, or at least Linda’s side of the family Christmas. Stephen cooked a wonderful Christmas meal of Beef Wellington. And we gave out our gives. I was so blessed to be given a wonderful Indy Jones that Stephen got me. And Linda got me a total surprise of a new Bose headset. And for everyone it was a wonderful time.  But today starts the needed chore of removing the Christmas decorations and the chore for me to lose the 25 pounds or so of extra weight that I added on over this last year. I am not sure why so much weight I did keep good records of my eating and I stayed within my calorie limits. I just believe that my body is changing and I now have to figure out what changes I have to make to my diet and I also have to get more walking and bike riding in.

Have a great year everyone and God Bless you all.

Oh yes this Year’s Bible Study is from Pocket bible’s One Year of the Devotions for Men. So far it is great and I will learn a lot this year. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

Just finished reading the Unbroken

After reading 'The Unbroken' I believe that I now understand why my dad never talked about the war. He was in Okinawa, at the last part of the war and at the time the a-bombs were dropped. The only thing I got out of him was that the ship he was on was taking the marines to Okinawa then the ship was to return to the states. But as the last boat load of Marines were being off loaded on Okinawa, the boat that my dad was piloting, the ship that brought them over was torpedoed and my dad was stuck on island until after the war was over. I know that he was manning a large gun and got a shell dropped on the top of his foot and was never able to wear normal shoes after that. I also know he was on Okinawa when they were doing everything possible to get the Japanese out of the caves.  And he was also there when they had to go to the caves to survive a Typhoon that hit the island but other than that he would never talk about what he saw or what he had to go through. Unbroken gave me a look into the war and the Japanese culture that I never new about. I did work for almost 12 years for a Japanese company and I came very good friends with some of the top Japanese managers and found them to be very hard working but also very fair. But they for the most part were very stand offish and did not talk much about their homeland. All that the one I made friends with would say is that they were ashamed of the way that the Japanese treated the POWs and they were very impressed in the way the Americans treated the Japanese POWs. 
From reading the Unbroken I can at least have a very small understanding of what our Marines, and soldiers, and POWs are going through after they return home, and I for the first time have a very small understanding of what PTSD really is. I can now also finally forgive two of my close friends that was in the Vietnam war that came home and killed themselves must have been going through. 
War is hell and I am so glad that I was spared from having to go into  combat. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My New Years Resolution is very simple

I have to control my weight, but not 'DIET'. I have to enjoy what is left of my life to the fullest.
I will walk more and also ride my bike. I will pay attention to my wife more. I will read my Bible studies daily and I will enjoy my life.