Friday, January 30, 2015

Folks I believe we need a big change in this Country.

If you follow the Liberal way of thinking now downs (by the way I do not) then it is not politically correct to say what you really think and believe in. The liberals believe that you should never say anything to upset them but it is only to put down any Conservative for our believes.
As for as me I was raised on the farm and my granddad and my dad were Democrats and was so upset with me after in went in the Navy then came home due to my Conservative believes. As for as I am concerned I am neither Democrat nor Republican, I am some where in between. I have some very liberal believes and some very conservative believes. Therefore I am do not vote in any of the primaries because I do not wish to be labeled. The only way I would vote in any of the primaries is if I could vote in each of them to give my feelings on who I like on both sides. The I would vote for the person that I really wanted on election day or in some cases voting early.
But really and truly our two party system is totally broken and the two parties needed to be thrown to the dogs, and we need to be able to have a popular vote, and at the same time we need to throw out the electoral college and go with the popular vote. We also need to stop all of the damn buying of our elected officials by putting all of the lobbyist out of business. Boy wouldn't that prevent some of these politicians from getting rich. Because you know as well as I do that there is no way that can get rich on what they get for government pay. Even if they are not corrupt when they go in to congress they are before long and you know as well as I do that is the only reason they stay in congress as long as they do is because they are being paid off by the lobbyist, and that is where they get rich. And it seems that we all look the other way. I guess that I am so old now that I could give a damn about hurting someones feelings, but I believe in saying what I think.

I do not know about you but I want someone to run this country that says what he really thinks, and does what is needed for the people of this country. Which means that person does not mind stepping on toes. And while I am at it we have to stop sending our hard earned money to other countries that do not give a damn about the USA other than the money they get from us.

Folks I believe we need a big change in this Country.  

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