Thursday, August 3, 2017

Two weeks with MacBook

Well I have now been using the MacBook Air for two weeks and I have to say I really love it. The OS is simple and very much like Linux or Unix, and I realize that it is a Unix base under the hood. I have gotten use to navigating around the web pages now and it makes so much sense. I am also very hard hearing and I have hearing aids that connect to bluettooth and they work great with the MacBook. I am enjoying music again. I have also learned how to put music on my IPhone and IPad. Yes, I know I could have with ITunes on Windows but never messed with it and never found a way to do so with the Linux machine I was using. I also love how long the battery last on the MacBook Air, I never got the battery to last much more than a couple hours on my old laptop even when it was new.
While I know that I pay a premium for the Apple products, I now believe it is worth it. I also believe that dedicated hardware and dedicated OS is what makes it works so great.

I also know I will be using Windows some due to a few applications that is windows only and the fact that my wife has a Windows laptop for her sewing applications. But it is hard for me to think that I spend so much time with Windows when there is other OSs that is so much better.

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