Thursday, November 30, 2017

You would think I would be totally upset

My weight is up to 191 from 187.4, and I am not that upset about it. Why? Because I excepted it, and I accepted the fact that with learning to eat intuitively I was going to more than likely see some weight gain. You see I know my body, and I know I am eating more salt than I normally do. I am also still eating below my calorie budget. Yes, I know if I was following the intuitive eating to the fullest I would not know my calorie count. I am not there yet and I am a numbers person. If I was fully eating intuitively I would not be stepping on a scale either. I do not let the scale rule me, and I have never been someone that counted ever last calorie that I eat. This is all about mindset. It is all about learning what works for me. I will never fully give up numbers and data points, they are all a part of my working life, and being retire is only changing it in a small amount. And I have never been like most that I worked with that allowed the data and numbers rule my life. 

I am sticking with getting back to intuitive eating, and allowing my weight do what it needs as long as I stay healthy and active. I fully expect my weight to start dropping once my body adjust to the changes. I also know this in maintenance loseit gives me 2400 calories, plus calorie bonus calories to work with each day, which comes to about 2900 calories I could eat. But Apple health shoes me and a little more conservative 2650 calories a day to work with, and I am staying below 2350 calories a day now, my problem is with salt, I should be taking in no more that about 1750 mg a day and I have been running about 2500 mg a day. This is showing up in my morning blood pressure check. But after my walk my blood pressure comes down to a very good range, mostly due to the amount of sweating that I do. 

I need a lot more time to work this out and the Holidays are not going to make my numbers look any better. I always gain in the months of November through January. My body as alway added weight in the colder months. I am not going to give up, and I am not going to stop weighing myself either. I want this to work and I am in this for the long haul.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Stop saying I cannot do things

If we would stop finding reasons not to do things, an instead find ways we can do things we would all be better off. 

Just think about if folks if we all said we can and we did our best to do it we would be so much better off. We can all do weight management, now that does not mean we all will lose weight, it just means we can all manage a healthy fit weight for our body type. That weight may not be what you believe it should be or the weight that your doctor, or some chart, or calculator says you should be. What do they know anyway? Your body has its happy weight if we only allow ourselves to settle into it. There are a lot of things that control our weight. Our family history, medications, our hormones.  We need to respect that we are who we are. We need to stop judging ourselves so hard. As long as we eat healthy about 90% of the time we should be great. We also need to be active, and I did not say exercise. Being active is good for our fitness, and eat good food is for our health and weight management. 

So how do we do this? Stop thinking diet, and start allowing yourself to eat what you want to eat and what your body needs to eat. Stop depriving your body of the foods it needs, and stop depriving yourself of the foods you love. Relearn to eat when you are hungry, stop eating by the clock, and stop eating before you are full. This all comes into place once you stop depriving your body of the foods it needs and you want to eat. You will naturally get to the point you eat less and you may even lose weight. But most importantly you will stress less, and you will enjoy life more. 

Life is too short to stress over eating, and over exercising. And you do not need to stress over either of them. Once you get back to eating intuitively you will also have the energy to be more active.

Give it a chance, by the following: 
Remove thoughts of diets from you mine.
Remove the thoughts of I cannot eat this or that and allow yourself the right to eat what you wish to eat and need to eat to fuel your body.
Stop stressing over exercise.
Stop stressing over calorie counts. Keep logging, I do and it helps, I do not pay attention to the calories anymore.
Stop stressing over the scale, it is just a number. I do weigh myself, and log it for my doctors benefit. 
Stop listening to the voices in your head or anyone else that say you should not eat this or that, or that you should do this or that exercise. 

Learn yourself and be yourself.

What do you do when you are tired of dieting?

If you look at television, or magazines, or even the internet and Facebook all you see is diet this or diet that. You also see so many that are talking about the diet that worked for a time then it did not work. You also see so much about this and that exercise program. Why? I will tell you my feelings, it makes so many a lot of money keeping us chasing the next best exercise fad and diet fad. And all of the diet foods at there that the companies make so much money off of us on. 

What we really need to do is forget all of the fancy dreamed up foods, exercise machines, and stop thinking about our next diet. We just need to be real about what we eat. We need to never deprive our bodies of the real food that our bodies need. We need to listen to our bodies and eat when we need to eat and stop eating when we are just comfortably full. This not going to happen over night it takes time. I am still working on it. Also this is not going to make you skinny, but it will make you much more healthy and fit. We need to just be active, and eat for the needs of ourselves. Learn not to stuff yourself to the point it hurts. This can happen again as it did for me when I was a child, a teenager. I stop happening for me when I went in the Navy and was forced to eat by the clock. Our bodies do not really understand clocks like so many are telling us it does. Our bodies runs on its own time. That time varies with each of us. We all have different schedules that we need to eat by. If we get to the point we understand the clues for when our bodies need to eat something and just eat what is needed at that time we will not over eat as we are told we will. We will get to the point of just eating what is needed at that time. Once we get back to doing this we will be eating less over all. We will never be hungry, and our weight will stabilize. 

So how do we start this process? We forget about diets all together. We make peace with food. We allow ourselves to eat the foods we love and that our bodies need. We allow ourselves to eat the amount of food we feel we need. You may have to stop logging and looking at the numbers on the scale, the number of calories, and the exercise burn calories. You should free yourself at first to just feel free to eat. It will take time, and you may as I am now gain some weight. 

I am freely eating what I want and the amount I feel I need. I am now getting to the point I feel free to leave food on my plate, that is hard for someone that has always been told to clean my plate. I am also relearning the fact that there is no forbidden foods. I am also learning that certain foods that I have been forcing myself to eat I no longer have to eat. I am learning that there are foods that I thought I wanted and needed that I no longer care for. I am also learning that there are some foods that I want that all I need is a bite of and I am finished eating it. 

You too can do this if you  want to learn more I suggest you read the book. “Intuitive Eating” you can find it on Amazon by searching for the title. But you do not have to read it at all if you feel comfortable about saying no to dieting, and yes to the foods you love. The eating balance will come in time, and once the eating balance is there your weight will stabilize. 

A word of warning intuitive eating will never happen for you if you are always searching for the next great diet, or exercise. It will never happen if you prohibit yourself from eating foods your body needs and wants. 

I still have feelings of guilt

I am getting use to being able to eat the way I feel I need to eat and when I feel I need to. But I feel guilty eating some of the foods I am. I am also someone that cannot seem to not weigh myself in the mornings. I personally do not feel it is bad to know what I weigh. I also do not feel that it is bad to log what I eat. I just need to keep going with the concept that I am free to eat what I feel I need to eat and when I feel the need to eat. I know from the forums I have been reading and the books on intuitive eating that it takes time to get over the diet mindset. 

I am not gaining as much as I was afraid that I would, but still enough that I feel guilty about it. I am hoping they are right that once I get in to the intuitive eating that my weight will stabilize and it will stay that way. I am not someone that really cares what I weigh so long as I can be healthy and fit at that weight. 

Now to my blood pressure, I am sure it is the stress of trying to sale our home and wanting to move, but my blood pressure is up. I have also been looking over my walking logs and see that I have not taken a rest day in over 2 months so that may be part of it. But I do not feel tired or stressed for my walks. I look forward to walking everyday and the days that I feel I may not be able to walk is a stressful concept. 

I have made an appointment with my dietitian for later in December and want to talk to her about what I am doing now. I also have an appointment with my doctor for late in March. And I have an eye appointment for the first of February. And I will also get my hearing tested on that day. 

The guilt is real, but I know it has to be the fact that I have been conditioned to diet, this to will pass with time. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

And the learning to eat Intuitive continues

I ate less yesterday than on Sunday but my weight is up again. I am not upset because it is to be expected until I get use to the fact I can eat what I want to eat. I am still eating below the calorie budget that Loseit says I can eat for maintenance. I am starting to hear my stomach talk to me again something I have not heard in the 6 + years on the diets. I am eating food that I would never have allowed myself to eat over the last 6 years. I am not eating to the point that I am stuffed or even close to being uncomfortable. I am also allowing myself to have more salt, this is something that my doctor has said I need to experiment with seeing I sweat so much when I am out walking, I even do this time of year and it is much cooler than in the summer.  I am also readjusting my walk to be only a full round of the neighborhood, which is just over 5 miles instead of the 7 + miles I have been doing. But I have increased my pace so calorie wise it is about the same.

This is a complete learning process. And it is sad that I have to relearn what I did without thinking when I was a teenager. The key here is to relearn just how much I need to satisfy my body’s needs. I also need to relearn to eat the correct amounts of food for my body’s needs and at the same time to enjoy eating and not feeling guilty for eat certain foods.  I know once that I figure this out my weight will stabilize and I will be healthier, and fit for it. I also know that I may weigh more or less what I have been telling myself I need to weigh. This is about throwing out the charts and allowing my body to stabilize to its natural weight. This is the weight that my body knows as the correct weight for my height, size, and age. I have to except that age plays a very part in what I weigh. 

I am finding as I do this that my attitude is much better, and my stress level is lower. I am also finding that I do not get as nervous about things that use to make me very nervous. 

Is this all worth it? So far it seems to be helping me. My energy is up, my attitude is better, and in general my health seems to be much better. The only down side is my weight is up 2 pounds from my low. The  up side so far is that I am still 5 pounds below my Lowest weight that I was at back in 2013 just before I started gaining weight back again. 

The ones that follow the intuitive eating to its purest, do not weigh themselves, log what they eat, but do keep a journal of how they feel. I am still logging, but not paying attention to the calories, and I am weighing myself. I am not able to allow myself to let my weigh get out of control again. So I guess you can say I am setting my own rules to this for now. I hope it does not back fire on me and I return to the diet mindset. 

Stay tune I cannot promise that I will be writing everyday but I will at least write about important changes as they happen. 

Monday, November 27, 2017

Yesterday (Sunday) Was somewhat of a test

Yesterday was a day of eating foods that I would normally not allow myself the eat. I had breakfast of Canadian baron, American cheese rapped in biscuits. It was great and I loved the flavor. But I still had the feelings that I should not be eating it. I have not fully learned that I am free to eat what I wish to eat. We did not eat breakfast to about 11:00 am so lunch was really nothing be snacking and eating a leftover from breakfast. I know I was eating way too much salt, but my body was wanting the salt. I also had a small apple and orange. For dinner I took my wife to our favorite, buffet, The Sirloin Stockade. I believe I was reasonably good. I had a small piece of meatloaf, a small piece of beef liver, and the rest was steamed veggies. But I did allow myself to have a really small piece of pecan pie. My best guess was that my meal was about 1100 calories. Seeing the pie was about a quarter of a slice, and the meatloaf, and liver was about a third each of a normal serving. When I got home and had time to relax all I could think about was the cookies and cream ice cream in the freezer. I went to get some and decided to just eat a small spoonful first. I then decided that spoonful was all I needed of it. I did not feel I needed more of the ice cream this was something new for me I normal have to have at least a half a cup. Then not long before bedtime my wife brought me a small glass of red wine and 2 pretzel bites. I drank the wine and ate one of the pretzels and that was it. 

For the day yesterday I ate more than I have calories wise in a very long time. I also took in more salt than I have in a while. This morning my blood pressure show that salt as does my weight. But I never felt stuffed or uncomfortable from what I ate. This is a process of learning what I can eat and what I need. Most importantly it is a process to teach my body that I am no longer depriving it of what it wants and needs. I more than likely will gain a few pounds before I really learn when I am needing to eat, and when I have had enough to eat. I also managed to do something at my evening meal that in the past I could not allow myself to do, I left food on the plate. I was raised to clean my plate and to always eat everything I took to eat. I am relearning that it is ok to leave food on the plate. 

Now I have to say this my parents never forced me to eat more than I wanted or told me that I had to clean my plate, it was when I went in Navy Boot Camp that I was told to clean my plate and to eat everything I took. It was also the Navy that got me to eating so fast. I have also relearning to slow down at eating. It is very hard for me to do so. But as I slow down at eating I am becoming more in tune with my stomach. I am pay attention to when I am becoming hungry and not waiting until I am starving. I am also by eating slower earning to stop eating before I am too full.  I am starting to feel like I did when I was younger and before I went in the Navy.

As a teenager, and young adult I ate when I was hungry and not by the clock. It was the Navy that taught me to eat on command. We should eat when we feel the need to eat regardless of the time. We need to eat our meals when we feel the need including snacks. We need to pay attention to what our bodies is in need of. And not eat what some diet book or some diet says. When we relearn to feed or needs then we will have learned to eat correctly and not over eat. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

I am feeling free of the diet mindset.

I am starting to not pay attention to the calories I eat. While I am logging what I eat I am not paying attention to the portion size as much nor the calories. I am paying attention to how hungry I am and how full I am. I seem to be eating more, and I am even still losing a little. What seems to be happening is that I am improving my metabolism. I have even more energy than I did before. Also I am not worrying about what I am eating either I am just working on enjoying my life. This feeling is really a feeling that I am becoming free of the diet mindset that I have had for so long. I am still happily walking daily and enjoying it more. So I may just be offsetting the extra calories. Only time will tell. 

I will be posting as I learn myself. I have been easing into this since June. there are two very interesting books that I have read. "The Diet Fix" and "Intuitive Eating". I recommend them both and I would say if you are really into the diet concept then eat "The Diet Fix" first. That is what I did. Even with the two books having different concepts they both lead to the same thing, that dieting is the problem.

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Warning this is Controversial

Why do you believe that you have to be on some kind of special diet all the time? Because the media and or government push dieting. Why does the government just dieting? Because the food, diet, and the fitness Industries pay our law makes big money to make laws and recommendations that may the industries big money. 

Why do you believe that diets work? They do not work because they are not something that you can live with the rest of your life. Diets are something that are quick fixes, and we all love quick fixes. 

So what does work. After over 6 years of dieting and trying to figure this out I have found that the only thing that will work in the long term is to eat what I love in moderation. Also I know that if I deprive myself of the foods I love and the foods I need to be healthy then I will end up over eating and stuffing myself. We have hormones that determine what we think when it comes to food. Those hormones sends signals to our brains that are over powering that ends up forcing us to eat. And those hormones even tell us what we need to eat. So when we deprive ourselves of the nutrition that our bodies need those hormones start bugging us until we give in to them, and we end up over eating. Why does this happen? It is due to nature and our Body’s natural way of surviving. We can be stubborn for a while and refuse the signals we get from these hormones but we will end up giving in, and that folks is why diets do not work. 

We are not lazy, we are not weak, we are slave to our on bodies hormones. We men have it much better than women do, it seems that men’s hormones are somewhat easier to live with but women’s hormones are much stronger due to the fact women were designed to have babies. 

Diets do fail all the time due to our own bodies hormones. It is not that you or I am weak it is that our bodies are in control. Our bodies hormones tell us what we need to eat and it hounds us until we do eat it. So the answer to maintaining our weight is to listen to our bodies and eat what we need to eat, and learn to read the signs of when we need to eat. Never allowing ourselves to become really hungry, and always stop eating before we are stuffed. We do this by eating the nutrition that our bodies and hormones require of us. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Make this a no stress holiday season

Is it worth stressing over your weight and what you eat. Life is short and we have enough in life to stress over. Why stress over what you weigh and what you eat. Now let me be honest I am not talking about letting yourself go and not trying to manage your weight, and I am not talking about just eating anything and everything. I am talking about your attitude about your weight and what you eat. Lighten up and roll with the punches as they say. While it is important for our health to be at a healthy weight, or at least that is what my doctor says. I have found it more important to be active and to eat real food most of the time. I have also found that my weight fluctuates daily, which is normal. Our weight fluctuates due to so many things, our activity, what I eat, when and how much I go to the bathroom, etc. This is just being a normal person, why do we stress over it? 

I have come to realize that the more I stress over something the more I eat and the more I weigh. So I have stopped stressing as much as I can, and I have seen the results in less weight, while eating as healthy as possible, but enjoying what I eat, and honestly eating a little more than what I was eating. When I am stressed I eat and do not even realize it. When I am stressed my body adds fat to my belly. Stress is my enemy not the food I eat as long as I eat healthy and a reasonable amount. Stress is why I overeat. 

So what I am saying with all of this simple stop stressing. Eat a healthy diet most of the time, do not stress over a bad choice, a bad meal, or a bad day or even a vacation of eating less than health. The important thing is to eat health most of the time. And not stress over the minority times. 

Enjoy your Holidays. Make this a no stress holiday season.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Stress is bad for your weight and your health

The more you stress about your weight the more you will eat and the more weight you will gain, and the more you will eat.

Please stop and just really think about what I wrote above. Stress causes your body to produce more fat which means more weight. This is so true for most people. Sure I have seen a few people in my life time that when stress they could not eat but they were the very few special people in my life. Most of us eat when stressed. 

If you stress over your weight odds are you eat more than you think you do. Stress makes you think about somethings and do other things without thinking and most of the times that is eat. 

Did you know that depriving your body of the foods it needs and are use to eating is stressful too? What I am saying is that you may think you are not stressed but if you deprive yourself of the foods you need and are use to eating that your body stresses. Also, I will take it another step and say if you do exercises that you really do not like to do just because someone or some document told you that you should do it to lose weight, that you could be stressing over it and really causing yourself to gain fat.

Hungry is stressful not only to your body but to you as a person. And being too hungry makes you eat more than you normally would, which means you end up stuffing yourself which is in itself stressful to your body and digestive system. 

So what is my point to all of this. Stop stressing over the way you eat and what you eat. Enjoy life and enjoy the food you love and need. Enjoy being active by doing the activities that you enjoy. Learn to never be hungry and to never eat to the point of being stuffed. 

The less you stress yourself and your body the better you will be and the healthier you will become. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

Never diet, learn to eat for life.

Never diet, never deprive yourself of the foods you need and love. The really truth is once you learn to never diet or deprive your body of the food it needs and wants you will naturally eat less. You will not want to over eat. Your weight will naturally become what is meant to be for your body type and your gene pool. 
But you cannot expect to lose weight fast or perhaps to even lose weight, but you will become a healthier person. You will become someone that does not crave the foods you want, you will be free to socialize again with your friends and family. You will not be afraid to go our to eat because you are afraid you will eat too much. Once you have learned to not deprive yourself you will naturally now when you need to eat and you will stop eating before you eat too much. 

This does not happen over night it takes time, for some months are even a year or more. For me it has taken me about 3 months to get really in tune with my body and my stomach. It feels so wonderful to be with family and friends and have a great meal and walk away from the table satisfied but not with a feeling that you are stuffed and miserable. Sure I still log everything I eat, for me it is a case of countability, and I still weigh myself. The true believe in this way of eating does not weigh themselves or log the foods they eat, I am not there and most likely will never be there. Their concept is that they are happy being free to eat what they like and need, without the shame they were feeling before, they do not weigh themselves due to the same reason. They also respect their bodies the way they really are. Most do lose in the long run be it slowly. Most do not lose the amount of weight they wanted to while they were dieters. But that has become a thing of the past and they have put the past behind them. 

You still need to be active not to lose weight but to be fit which makes you healthier. 

This is a mindset and a way of thinking and living that goes against everything we have been told. We see diet in the media, TV and movies, and advertisement. The diet concept is every where you go and in everything you see and read. You have to learn to put it all out of your mind and be come near minded about not dieting. 

Do calories still count? I believe they do, the true follower does not. But I have found that if I listen to my stomach and body to what I need and want, I no longer eat as much as I did even while following the calorie guidelines and calculators. And that is with me having the freedom to eat, the cookies, ice cream, cakes, pies and brownies that I love a certain times of the year. Knowing that I can eat them has lead to me eat much less of them. Most times one cookie or one spoon full of ice cream or one bite out of the cake or brownie is all that I need. 

When I started following this concept I weight 195, and at first I gained a few pounds but now I am down to my lowest weight that I have been at for over 30 years. I am down to 187.4 pounds. My weight has varied a lot less, even with eating more salt at times. I am still very active and I do walk an average of 8 miles a day. But I walk not so much for my weight as I do for enjoyment. 

That is something else that I have found important we should be active/exercise for enjoyment and now because we feel we have to. If you do it because you believe you have to then it is work and it is not enjoyment. We should enjoy life. Not make life a job and work. Most of you have work you have to do to make a living, why make the rest of your life work too. 

Your health is important make it fun not work to be healthy! 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

You can have your cake and eat it to.

If you are someone that is fully in tune with your body, you listen to it to know when you are hungry, and when you are full you will be much healthier, and if you are active too, then you will also be fitter. I have come to understand just how big a failure our dieting mentality really is. The diet definition should be changes to meaning failure. Diets all fail at some point in time. Our bodies are not meant to be deprived of the foods they need. Our bodies are not meant to be deprived of the foods we enjoy. 

Anytime you deprive your body and yourself of the foods you love, and the foods your body needs you will fail at a diet and you will over eat. If you listen to your body and give it the foods it wants and needs you will come to a point of never over eating, or being heavier than what is correct for your body. Now, that does not always mean you will be at the weight you have been told you should weigh, because of some chart or calculator. It means that you will at some point weigh at what is correct for you gene pool. 

So how do you get to this point, first you do not restrict yourself from eating what you love, or what your body needs to function. Your body will tell you what you need to eat if you really listen to it. Yes, more than likely you may gain weight in the beginning, then you will start eating less than you were you will stop over eating, and you will start to lose weight. How long does this take? There is no easy answer, it depends on how long you have been dieting, And how long you have been depriving your body of the food it needs and wants. At first you will eat more than you have been and you will gain, they you slowly learn that you do not need that much to eat. Then you will slowly start losing the weight, if you are over weight by what your gene pool, age, etc determines that you should weigh. 

I have been slowly doing this since late June and I have lost to my lowest weight in in a very long time. I am even eating more than I was before but I am eating what my body needs. I do not allow myself to become hungry, and I do not allow myself to be stuffed. This at first is not that easy but as you learn yourself and listen to your body it becomes natural. 

Does this mean that you can eat anything you want? Yes! Does this mean you can eat all you want? I prefer to say you can eat all you need. This is about not depriving yourself of food. It means not setting goals for carbs, proteins, fats or calories. It means eating them all the way you need them. What is really means is as you come to understand that you are not limited or deprived of the foods you need or want you will come to eat them in moderation? What it really amounts to is freedom of choice and freedom to eat as needed, when needed and how much needed. Does this mean you will never have health or weight issues? In theory yes. 

Now you also need to be active with some kind of activity that you enjoy. And you also need to understand basic nutrition and eat health. But you never need to diet or say that awful word again. 

Friday, November 17, 2017

Just my thoughts running over

I am learning if you deprive yourself of food you love then you will overeat it every time you get a chance to eat it. 
I have learned if you do not deny yourself the foods you love you will eat less food over all. 
I have also learned that if you are active doing things you enjoy doing then you burn more calories than if you force yourself to exercise at something you dislike. 
I have come to understand that if you listen to your body and give it the foods it needs, and you want to eat then you will not eat as much and you will have a better chance to lose weight.
I have also learned that if you deprive your body of the food it needs you end up over eating until your body is satisfied and has what it needs. 
We talk about fueling our bodies and that is try. If you do not fuel your body with what it needs then you set yourself up to eat more than you should because your body is forcing you to do so to get that nutrition that it needs. 
Carbs are your bodies fuel of choice. Proteins are what your body needs to preserve your muscles. And your brain needs sugar, and fat. Also eating fat real prevents your body from creating more fat in places you do not want it. 
I always here the words moderation, but I find that listening your body and feeding it with the amount it needs is what really works. 
This concept takes time to learn and it requires you eat without being distracted, by TV, computers, phone calls, or anything else. 

I end by asking when your body screams it needs a cookie why do you give it something that taste like cardboard, like rice cakes. Learn to give your body what it is really wanting and you will be leaner happier, and healthier for it.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

A new way of thinking or the anti-diet way to life

This a slowly happened over a course of months starting the last week of June 2017. I had been dieting ever since Thanksgiving 2010. I had started using the last week of July of 2011. I had started using a Fitbit the first week of August 2011. This all let to me going from 290 pounds at Thanksgiving of 2010, to my weight at this time of 187.8 pounds this morning. Back in June of this year my weight was about 195 and I was stuck, and I was tired of dieting. I slowly allowed myself to eat what I wanted, and I started really listening to my body to what I needed to eat and when I was really hungry. This process did not really take as long as I figured to start paying off. I am still logging on but I no longer worry about the calories I eat and I do not worry about what I eat. I have a feeling of what my body needs now and I honor that by eating what it needs and or wants. I am getting to the point that I do not feel guilty if I decide to eat a cookie, ice cream, brownie or any thing else. I am also learning that my body needs and wants carbs more that I was wanting to eat them, as well as fats.

I stopped using the Fitbit devices in late September 2017 when I made the leap to Apple Watch, and I have to say that it changed me a lot. And actually it started a new round of weight loss for me. The watch has me up and standing and moving at least 12 hours a day for a few minutes so I earn a goal for the day. This I believe is important to keep me active and burning calories. With the Watch I am actually getting in more steps everyday than I was before, because I am more active. But I am showing less calories burned in Loseit, which is okay with me seeing I never ate back my calories burned anyway. 

This all started with me reading the book “The Diet Fix” which is about the fact that all diets fail sooner or later and I know that oh so well. Even while using Loseit and Fitbit I dropped to a low of 195 and started to gain back and gained up to 250. Then I finally turned it around a gain to manage to be where I am at today. I know oh so well that I could easily gain back again if I do not stay on top of my walking and my eating. But I have a new respect for my body’s needs, and I know now that if you deprive your body of any of the foods it needs then you will be forces to eat and eat to the point of over eating until your body finally gets what it needs. So the need to not deprive out bodies of what they need is the first rule to weight management. 

This week I found another really good book and read it, it is “Intuitive Eating”. It is the anti-diet book. It’s first real is to eat before you are too hungry and to stop eating before you are too full. It is all about not worrying about what you eat and to give your body what it needs. It is also about not worrying about your body and respect it and who you are. It also is about feeding yourself with what your body needs and not depriving it of any foods. It is about never weighing yourself because that is a negative thought. So Intuitive Eating is about the positives of life.