Thursday, November 23, 2017

Make this a no stress holiday season

Is it worth stressing over your weight and what you eat. Life is short and we have enough in life to stress over. Why stress over what you weigh and what you eat. Now let me be honest I am not talking about letting yourself go and not trying to manage your weight, and I am not talking about just eating anything and everything. I am talking about your attitude about your weight and what you eat. Lighten up and roll with the punches as they say. While it is important for our health to be at a healthy weight, or at least that is what my doctor says. I have found it more important to be active and to eat real food most of the time. I have also found that my weight fluctuates daily, which is normal. Our weight fluctuates due to so many things, our activity, what I eat, when and how much I go to the bathroom, etc. This is just being a normal person, why do we stress over it? 

I have come to realize that the more I stress over something the more I eat and the more I weigh. So I have stopped stressing as much as I can, and I have seen the results in less weight, while eating as healthy as possible, but enjoying what I eat, and honestly eating a little more than what I was eating. When I am stressed I eat and do not even realize it. When I am stressed my body adds fat to my belly. Stress is my enemy not the food I eat as long as I eat healthy and a reasonable amount. Stress is why I overeat. 

So what I am saying with all of this simple stop stressing. Eat a healthy diet most of the time, do not stress over a bad choice, a bad meal, or a bad day or even a vacation of eating less than health. The important thing is to eat health most of the time. And not stress over the minority times. 

Enjoy your Holidays. Make this a no stress holiday season.

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