Wednesday, November 29, 2017

What do you do when you are tired of dieting?

If you look at television, or magazines, or even the internet and Facebook all you see is diet this or diet that. You also see so many that are talking about the diet that worked for a time then it did not work. You also see so much about this and that exercise program. Why? I will tell you my feelings, it makes so many a lot of money keeping us chasing the next best exercise fad and diet fad. And all of the diet foods at there that the companies make so much money off of us on. 

What we really need to do is forget all of the fancy dreamed up foods, exercise machines, and stop thinking about our next diet. We just need to be real about what we eat. We need to never deprive our bodies of the real food that our bodies need. We need to listen to our bodies and eat when we need to eat and stop eating when we are just comfortably full. This not going to happen over night it takes time. I am still working on it. Also this is not going to make you skinny, but it will make you much more healthy and fit. We need to just be active, and eat for the needs of ourselves. Learn not to stuff yourself to the point it hurts. This can happen again as it did for me when I was a child, a teenager. I stop happening for me when I went in the Navy and was forced to eat by the clock. Our bodies do not really understand clocks like so many are telling us it does. Our bodies runs on its own time. That time varies with each of us. We all have different schedules that we need to eat by. If we get to the point we understand the clues for when our bodies need to eat something and just eat what is needed at that time we will not over eat as we are told we will. We will get to the point of just eating what is needed at that time. Once we get back to doing this we will be eating less over all. We will never be hungry, and our weight will stabilize. 

So how do we start this process? We forget about diets all together. We make peace with food. We allow ourselves to eat the foods we love and that our bodies need. We allow ourselves to eat the amount of food we feel we need. You may have to stop logging and looking at the numbers on the scale, the number of calories, and the exercise burn calories. You should free yourself at first to just feel free to eat. It will take time, and you may as I am now gain some weight. 

I am freely eating what I want and the amount I feel I need. I am now getting to the point I feel free to leave food on my plate, that is hard for someone that has always been told to clean my plate. I am also relearning the fact that there is no forbidden foods. I am also learning that certain foods that I have been forcing myself to eat I no longer have to eat. I am learning that there are foods that I thought I wanted and needed that I no longer care for. I am also learning that there are some foods that I want that all I need is a bite of and I am finished eating it. 

You too can do this if you  want to learn more I suggest you read the book. “Intuitive Eating” you can find it on Amazon by searching for the title. But you do not have to read it at all if you feel comfortable about saying no to dieting, and yes to the foods you love. The eating balance will come in time, and once the eating balance is there your weight will stabilize. 

A word of warning intuitive eating will never happen for you if you are always searching for the next great diet, or exercise. It will never happen if you prohibit yourself from eating foods your body needs and wants. 

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