It is raining this morning, but this house is built such as you cannot hear the rain.
Yesterday I started moving stuff from the garage to the new shed. I managed to get the shelves in the shed and some of the stuff out of the garage. I also managed to build the 5 plastic shelves I got from Home Depot.
Yesterday morning we made the down payment on my Vespa and asked the dealer to find the one Linda wants. That one is just now leaving the factory in Italy. We will not have it here until early April. We are getting windshields and racks on the front and back of both scooters. I posted pictures of my scooter from pictures that the dealer send me in the previous post.
My weight this morning is down just a little. I am cutting back but I am having a hard time with my weight due to not being about to walk. It seems that the activity of unpacking and getting this house together is not enough to off set my normal budget. So I have resorted to cutting back in my calories. I made a huge mistake for a while also of eating way too much sweets. I am also going to try and drop on down to around 185, while I am at it. I know that may not happen but I can work at it.
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