Saturday, July 7, 2018

I have always followed others leads while finding my own way.

So what am I saying? I start out by following others to see what they are doing, I analyze what they are doing and make adjustments to work for myself. Sometimes that only means minimal changes, and other times it means totally scraping that ideal and finding something else to try. I have read most of the popular books on diets and over the last 40 years tried the ones that made sense to me. But I am saying in the end all of them do not work for me for the long run. So I am going my on way now. Yes, I am doing fasting, on my terms. I am eating what I enjoy and know I can stick with while fasting about 14 - 20 hours a day. I love carbs, and meat, and fats and all of the rest. I do not have issues with them as long as I do not over do any of them. So, fasting and portion control is what it is taking for me. Yes, I need to be active and I need to do resistance workouts. But again, I do it my way and it is working. 

I believe to blindly follow others lead is foolish and even dangerous. And am I saying that calories in and calories out does not work? No, not really, it is about eating less than what you are burning. But I am saying that counting calories is a good way to start and learn about food, but it is stressful, at least it has been for me. Stress means my hormones goes nuts, and I end up eating something I should not, and just in general the more I stress the more fat I get around the old belly. So how do I know I am not eating more than I am burning. Well, lets see, I am not gaining weight, and my weight is even going down a little. That is a no brainer. The scale is important in doing this my way. But there is something else that I have had to do, and that is to give up on the charts and the concept that I am not healthy unless I weigh less than a BMI of 24.9. That is just some number that someone or group came up with a very long time ago. Our bodies know what its ideal weight is and it is going to fight tooth and nail to stay in that weight range. I know this because over the last 40 years of my life I have fought my body over this issue over and over. If I lose too much weight my body manages to work me back to where it wants to be. If I gain my body manages to work me back to where it wants to be. I know now that my body’s happy weight range is some where between 195 and about 205, without cloths. It does not matter what I do if I eat the correct foods that are real food most of the time. And if I do not go overboard on eating sweets and drinking alcohol my weight is going to bounce within the 195 to 205 at the limits, and most of the time it will be closer to 197 to 200. 

So how have I screwed up this balance in the past and gain the weight that I did? In a nutshell I was drinking way to many diet cokes, I was eating way too much snacks and desserts. But worse than that I was eating processed factory created foods all the time, and the more I ate the crap the more I was wanting to eat it. Processed foods are created to make us want to eat more of it.  It has been created to screw with our hormones that make us want to eat and it turns off our hormones that tell us we are full. 

And while I am at it why do you thing we are being told to eat small meals 6 times a day? It is not because it is good for us it is because it makes the food industry more money, and the more overweight we become it makes our doctors, the drug companies, the diet industry, and the fitness industry more money. Our being over weight as a human race makes everyone rich but us. 

I know you more than likely do not believe this because you want to believe that your doctor would not stir you wrong and your government would not do so either. Keep believing it as you keep losing and gain your weight over and over. I have done so way to many times and I am calling it quits as of now. 

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