Sunday, April 14, 2013

On to the Next Level whatever that may be.

I have been rereading the books that have gotten me this far, and I have decided to recommit myself to going to the next level, whatever that may be. I still have love handles and I still have fat around the old belly that really needs to go. I do not believe to do this I have to come out of maintenance, I just need to be a little more careful about what I eat. I am eating about the right amount for my height and size. My BMR is around 1750 to 1800 and I am trying to eat 2000 a day. So what am I going to do? Let’s see, cut back and as close to out all processed foods, I have been drinking diet root beer a few times a week I will cut that out or at least down to special times. I will increase my protein and lower processed carbs, will increase veggies, and fruits, but I will continue my fats from nuts. About all I can say about my exercising is that I will do more stretching, and will do setups planks, leg lifts etc. Anything that will straighten my core muscles. I know this will not happen overnight, that it may take me another year or so to get there, but I am hoping to see some improvement before the end of summer.
Can I do this yes. I can do anything that I set out to do as long as I have the Faith.  I only I need is your support and encouragement. 

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