Friday, April 5, 2013

We can win the battle of weight and fitness even at my age

Sorry if I bore you but I do like to look over stats, and what I have noticed is that every time I go to a lower weight that I have been before, while on this journey I have gained back as much as 5 pounds then I slowly drop back down sometimes I go lower than I have been and others I level out at a weight a pound or two above the lowest I have been. Then I will do a push to drop some weight and the process just repeats itself. I has been very frustrating to me but at least now I recognize it as being something that my body just does. It is like a few weeks ago I made it to 194 then boom I was up to 199, now I have been on a slow and steady drop back to 197.4 which of course I have been to before. If I am correct I will drop to somewhere around 196 and level off for some time then I should be able to drop again to 194 and below and the process will continue this way until one day in the distant future I should reach the goal that my doctor would like me to get to somewhere between 188 and 192. I believe I will do it but I will not push it, I just now believe it will happen even if it takes another year or more.
And I also believe if I keep working at it and retraining my body I will get off the blood pressure meds. You see even my doctor does not believe I need the meds for my blood pressure but due to the fact that I have been on them so very long my body just is not functioning without them. But I am slowly pulling my body off of them by slowly cutting it down and I believe that I will be off of them sometime before the end of this year. At this time am taking just 1 eighth of the amount every day that I was back last fall. I can win this battle too.
All I am trying to say here is that the more you know yourself, and the more you are willing to push yourself, but be patient you can win the battle. Yes I know there are certain issue that will not be won and we just have to except it. But the ones that can be we need to take on ourselves to win. But also never do it without your doctors approval and supervising. 

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