Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Keep Moving

I am going to lecture a little so please forgive me. I started my journey back the first of January 2011 an I was 280 pounds. And I lost down to 240 pounds by just watching what I ate and the amount I ate, mainly just cutting portion size down. Then I found fitbit and I started walking, and walking and walking. I over the next few years went down as low as 195. Then I had a life changer in my life, I retired, and I figured I did not need to do the regular walks because I was working in the yard, and working to set the house up the way we always wanted it. But in doing so I more than slowly gained my weight back, and I did it without changing my diet and I was even eating less, and less over this last year and a half. But I gained my weight back to 240, well that is close enough. I have now started back walking and it is not all that much fun as if this time. I am so sore after walking. But I have to say that I am not that tired. I am not changing my diet anymore at least at this time. I do not want to lose back to 195 again. I do wish to get back to say 210.
The moral of this story is that we had to keep moving, working around the yard is great but for some reason it just was not enough for me to keep the weight off.
My plan for now is to walk 10K steps average 7 days a week. For me that will mean more than 10K for 6 days a week and at least 5K on Sundays. Ha we all have to have a day of rest.
So please do yourself a favor and walk or run at least 10K steps per day. And If you cannot walk due to health reason find yourself some form of exercise to keep your metabolism up.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Political Correctness is nothing more than lying to one and all.

First let me say that we have too much political correctness in the country. There are way too many afraid to say what they really mean. And I have to tell you that is lying and that is what politicians do all the time. It has gotten to the point that most politicians no long know what the truth is and have to keep notes so they remember what they told others so they can repeat it to them. I was in a special agency for part of my time in the Navy called WHCA, what we did was provide support for the president and the president' staff. I was around enough of the politicians to know just how big a liars they really were. I would be out on a campaign tour with the president and would here completely different speeches at each site to the point that you new he was lying to them then I came to realize that was just how politics was really played. If you were a politician then it was your job to say what ever you had to to get elected. It did not matter if that was what they believed or not. I have come to figure out that most politicians do not stay for anything other then their bottom line. They will say what every they have to to who ever they have to to get that pay off.

So now to my point I have come to realize that a politician will stand up in front of you and say what they think you want to hear but then that same politician will go to the next group in the next town and say something completely different because that is what that group wants to hear. And for the most part most of the people are so stupid that they believe it. And when someone finally comes a long and tells it how it is then the one of us who want to hear the truth just love it, but for the most part a lot or most will hate him for being honest. I believe that is so because we have gotten so use to being told what we want to hear that we cannot except the truth.

Now I am going to say what I believe God whats us to say. God wants us to be honest, bluntly honest. Yes the truth hurts and most people do not want to be hurt. But I prefer the truth to being lied to. And yes there have been time that I have lied so not to hurt others but more than likely I lied to not hurt myself. And I have to say that is wrong so very wrong. Because if I am lying to anyone even myself I am also lying to God.

For now on I say honesty is the best policy, and yes I will hurt others and I will lose friends and family. But I have lied in the past to others and myself and I have lost friends and family that I so dearly love. To my family and to my children and grand-kids I say I love you all. To my friends I have to say most of you I love as I do my family.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Some hard thought

I am going to say things that people do not want to hear. I served in the Navy from 1968 until 1977. I served while the Vietnam war was going on, but never went to Vietnam. I even being in the Navy I never served on board a ship. I did server from September 1973 until February 1977 with a very special agency, at least it was back then, call White House Communication Agency. I was stationed at Camp David Maryland, and served to take care of the Communication equipment that provided communication for Camp David and for most of the time that the President was at Camp I was on duty.
I was able to really see what the government and for most part politicians were really about. Most of what I realized was just how corrupt most politicians really are. But one of the other things that serving at Camp David did was to make me become a person that wanted to know so much more about real history and what was written in the text books and what we were told was history in school. I now love the Civil War history, the Revolutionary War history. And lately I have researched the World Wars and the wars and offensives up to the present. And what I have learned scares the hell out of me. And a long the way I have researched and learned what I can about Kennedy's Assassination and what I have now realized is just how really corrupt our government is.
As for as Vietnam is concerned that was a war we were in not because we had to defend our country or real to fight the communist, but it was a war to make big business and politicians rich. We lost 50,00 or more over there for nothing more than to make big businesses, and LBJ rich. If you do not believe me do your research. You can start by reading Roger Stone's book “The Man that killed Kennedy: The Case against LBJ”, I believe it will open your eyes if you really want to know the truth and you are open to the real truth and not what we were told, by the Warren Commission. The Warren Commission's job from the very beginning was to right a script that matched what LBJ, the mafia, big oil, and the big defense companies what you to believe.
I think that we all know that Desert Storm was really about big oil in this country wanting to protect there company's bottom line. Yes Saddam did invade his neighbor and yes we did have a treaty to protect Kuwait. And Kuwait really did pay for a huge part of the cost to fight the war. But for me the real issue with that war was that it was never finished, just like in Korea and Vietnam we did not have the stomach to finish the job.
Now comes the issue with 9/11 and what happened after 9/11. I believe that if we had government agencies that worked together back then we would never have had 9/11. I also believe that the only reason that Bush JR went back in an attacked Saddam was to finish what daddy started and did not finish. Also I believe that Chaney used that war to make his company a huge profit. I also believe if we had not gone back in a removed Saddam we would not have the worse case that we have now over there. I also do not believe that we should have ever went in to Afghanistan, sure we needed to get the ones that planned 9/11, but we could have done that with out repeating the same mistakes that Russia had already made. Again I really believe that both wars this time was to make defense companies big money and for our military to have a chance to play with their toys. Yes we have made lots of new weapons to fight with and a lot of them do not put our military men and women in harms way that I guess is the only good thing to come out of this But folks look at how far in debt we are as a nation we will not pay it off in most of our life times.
We also have more corruption in our government than we can ever remove without completely remove each and every person that works within our government.
Why am I saying all of this I guess it is because I really saw this happening back in the mid 1970s when I was at WHCA and I refused to believe it and I stuck my head in the sand. And speaking of heads in the sand folks that is just what almost everyone in the nation has done, put their heads in the sand so they can not see what is really happening.

I guess while I am at it I should also say that we listen to the Media in this country and our Media is a joke and the real issue with our racism issues within this country. We would do ourselves a service if we all turned off the TV with the new in this country was on.
I know that most will never read this are take it seriously because they do not want to hear it or they will say as I have already been told what difference does it make we can do nothing about it. I say to you that if we really wanted to do something about it we could. It would not be easy and it would possibly mean we would have to start this country over again from the beginning by rewriting our history from the beginning with the USA of America version 2.
Think about it, it really needs to happen.

My Dream list for the elections.

OK folks I am going to stick my neck out, this is what I am looking for in a President and in my congressman and senators. And yes it is a dream list even more than a wish list.

Not a politician. (They are all liars and thieves.)

Somewhere in the middle of the road.

Someone that knows how and is willing to compromise

Someone that will tell the lobbyist where the get off and will not be on the take.

Someone that is for the People of the USA and not for themselves.

Someone that will uphold the Constitution of the USA and its laws.

Someone that will remove all of the BS laws and make the tax laws understandable for the normal people of the USA.

Someone that will not bent to the BS of the Media.

Someone that will stand up for the USA and at the same time understand the will of both the USA and other countries.

Someone that will try their best to get this country out of debt.

Some one that is will to put God back in the USA and the schools

Someone that when it comes to charities is will to take care of the People of this country before giving our hard earned money to every other country.

Someone that is willing to stand up for our Police and civil servants.

Someone that the People of this country can be proud of.

I know there must be more and I invite you to add your own to the list.
What this country needs is to get its pride back. We are tired of being treated like no bodies in our own country.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Stars and Bars and the USA Flag

I have to think my step daughter for this. I really do agree with what she is saying. They claim that the stars and bars is a flag of slavery but the USA flag is just as much a flag of slavery as the stars and bars.
Please read this completely through to fully understand what she is saying.

Sheri Lynn

A well spoken agreument......
By a Yankee no less
I am by no means a Southerner, and I don’t feel any particular affinity for the Confederate flag. However, recent events have led me to feel compelled to offer a rather simple defense for this flag, though it doesn’t hold any special meaning for me.
Ever since the Charleston shooting, the PC police have crawled out of the woodwork, and have derided the Southern battle standard as a purely racist symbol, and have demanded that it be removed from every public building in the South. There’s even a Facebook petition now that is calling for a national “burn the Confederate flag day.”
But what exactly are these people railing against? What makes this symbol so repulsive that it needs to be burned? Is it because it was flown by armies that defended a slave holding regime? Or because it was carried by supposed traitors? Or perhaps because it has been proudly displayed by white supremest organizations ever since?
Here’s the problem I have with people who froth at the mouth every time they see someone with this flag. If you’re going to burn the Confederate flag because you think it stands for racism and slavery, I suggest you get started on the American flag shortly thereafter.
If I recall correctly, and maybe my history is a little rusty so feel free to call me out on this, but didn’t the Union government accept slavery right up until the Civil War? Heck, there were plenty of Northern states that allowed slavery, which they abandoned in the early 19th century, largely for economic reasons rather than ethical concerns (and also because the British Army had liberated most of them during the Revolutionary War).
Even after the Civil War occurred, there were a few slave holding states that stayed in the Union such as Delaware, Missouri, Kentucky, and Maryland. There were even slave-owning officers in the Union army. There’s a reason why the Emancipation Proclamation only freed slaves in states that seceded. Lincoln didn’t want to anger many of his own officers, or cause any more states to leave.
And while we’re on the subject of Lincoln, let it be known that he could have cared less about the institution of Slavery. His main goal was to preserve the Union. Freeing the slaves was incidental in that process. He said so himself”
“My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or destroy slavery.”
“If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”
“I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.”
And long after Lincoln was dead, the Federal government proved itself to be one of the most racist, genocidal, and imperialistic regimes in the history of the world, as they marched westward, brutally subjugating every native tribe they came across, before entering the 20th century as the world’s preeminent superpower. In this regard, the American flag is stained with more innocent blood than the Confederate flag ever was.
As for the notion that this flag is a treasonous banner, so is the American flag, a symbol that was born during the Revolutionary War.
And what of the fact that it was a symbol admired by white supremacists for decades? Well, there’s another flag that racists have often called their own.
Make no mistake though, I’m not suggesting you go out and burn the American flag. If you think that, then you’ve missed the point. All I’m saying, is that’s hypocritical to hate the Confederate flag if you love the American flag.
When it comes to symbols, and these flags are symbolic figures, is that they mean different things to different people. Everyone who waves the American flag sees something unique in it. They all see the America that they want to live in, and they disregard the awful actions that have been carried out in its name.
The Confederate flag is no different. While it has been and still is a symbol that is admired by racists, I would wager that there are more non-racist Southerners who carry it. For them, it’s simply an undeniable part of their heritage; a symbol that marks a bloody milestone in their history, which has set them apart from the rest of America.
So please, if you think that the Confederate flag is solely the domain of people like Dylann Roof, I implore you to think again. It’s just a symbol, and like all symbols, it means many different things, to many different people, and those meanings will continue to change in ways we can’t imagine, long after we’re all in the ground. Quit getting hung up on what this symbol originally stood for, and recognize what it means to people today.

Joshua Krause is a reporter, writer and researcher at The Daily Sheeple. He was born and raised in the Bay Area and is a freelance writer and author.

Monday, July 6, 2015

The time is now to take our Country back.

I was raised in the Fundamental Baptist Church. The teaching was fire and brimstone. I was also raised in the late 1940s and through the 1960s in a some what racist time. Then I went into the Navy and was introduced to the real world of what it is like to live with individuals that were raised in a totally different environments and races. It opened my eyes to what the world was really like. I was taught in the Navy that you do not judge others by the color of their skin or their religious beliefs. I also served in a very political location that told me that politicians are not the most honest and trust worthy individuals. The Navy taught me that there is not bad races but there are bad individuals. As I get older I have come to understand that within every one of us are the seeds of being bad and that being good and doing what is right has to be taught to us from the time we are conceived. I have also come to understand that not all boys or girls are given the brains of the sex to match the bodies that they were given. And that has never been understand by humans from the beginning of time.

All that I am really trying to say is that we are all on this earth together and from the beginning of time we have not been able to get a long with out fighting. Wars have been around since the beginning of time. Why? I wish that I knew that answer, I just have to guess it is our human nature. I have to believe it is the fact that we were given the right to think for ourselves and to do what we wish. And also we as a human race seem to have a love and hate relationship with laws and rules, and it has been that way from the beginning of time. As long as the law or rule does not get go against what we want to do ourselves we love the rules but as soon as the rule or law gets in our way then it is a bad law, even if it is good for the location, state, or our nation. Lets face it we all are free spirits and we only want to limit the rights of other and not ourselves.

I believe in local rule at the local and state level. I believe that the federal government should be there to only uphold laws and rules that keep the states united and to provide over all protection and security. I do not believe the federal government should have the right to tell states or local areas how to believe or even how to teach their children. But I do except the fact that we need uniform levels that have to be met as for as read, math, and science. But The federal government does not have the right to tell the states or even the schools that they cannot have pray in the schools or that they cannot have the Ten Commandments displayed at the court houses and the state buildings. I also do not believe that the federal government has the right to tell me that I can not have a flag that represents a part of my history.

Our founding fathers wanted to see separation of religion and government only in the concept that the government was not able to tell the people what religion or church they had to be part of. Our founding fathers never meant for the federal government to condemn religion or prayer. Over the history of the USA we have as a people gotten lazy we no long vote for the person we as a whole vote for a party that may or may not really want the best for the people of this country. And in doing so we have let our federal, state, and local power go to career politicians that are not there for the people but to pad their on pockets. We have in effect given our country away to corporations and to foreigner countries. If we do not wake up we are not going to have a country left and we are going to be ruled by the likes of China, North Korea, Russia or even worse Iran.

We do not have that many real jobs left in this country and what jobs we have are not paying as much money as even 10 years ago. We are becoming a nation of pones and kings. We are a debtor nation we owe China more money than we can possibly repay.

When are we going to wake up and take or Nation back, and get rid of the career politicians. And get people that really want to represent us and are will to do so for a short amount of time then go back home to do their own business. We now have politicians ruling us that do not understand us or really live were we live. Also have you noticed how many politicians are so much more wealthy after a few years in serving us then the were before getting first elected. Have you ever really stop to think about how they got that money. It sure as hell was not on a government salary. They are bought and payed to vote the way corporations and foreign governments want them to. We have to put a stop to this.
And we have to do it NOW.