I was raised in the Fundamental Baptist Church. The teaching was fire and brimstone. I was also raised in the late 1940s and through the 1960s in a some what racist time. Then I went into the Navy and was introduced to the real world of what it is like to live with individuals that were raised in a totally different environments and races. It opened my eyes to what the world was really like. I was taught in the Navy that you do not judge others by the color of their skin or their religious beliefs. I also served in a very political location that told me that politicians are not the most honest and trust worthy individuals. The Navy taught me that there is not bad races but there are bad individuals. As I get older I have come to understand that within every one of us are the seeds of being bad and that being good and doing what is right has to be taught to us from the time we are conceived. I have also come to understand that not all boys or girls are given the brains of the sex to match the bodies that they were given. And that has never been understand by humans from the beginning of time.
All that I am really trying to say is that we are all on this earth together and from the beginning of time we have not been able to get a long with out fighting. Wars have been around since the beginning of time. Why? I wish that I knew that answer, I just have to guess it is our human nature. I have to believe it is the fact that we were given the right to think for ourselves and to do what we wish. And also we as a human race seem to have a love and hate relationship with laws and rules, and it has been that way from the beginning of time. As long as the law or rule does not get go against what we want to do ourselves we love the rules but as soon as the rule or law gets in our way then it is a bad law, even if it is good for the location, state, or our nation. Lets face it we all are free spirits and we only want to limit the rights of other and not ourselves.
I believe in local rule at the local and state level. I believe that the federal government should be there to only uphold laws and rules that keep the states united and to provide over all protection and security. I do not believe the federal government should have the right to tell states or local areas how to believe or even how to teach their children. But I do except the fact that we need uniform levels that have to be met as for as read, math, and science. But The federal government does not have the right to tell the states or even the schools that they cannot have pray in the schools or that they cannot have the Ten Commandments displayed at the court houses and the state buildings. I also do not believe that the federal government has the right to tell me that I can not have a flag that represents a part of my history.
Our founding fathers wanted to see separation of religion and government only in the concept that the government was not able to tell the people what religion or church they had to be part of. Our founding fathers never meant for the federal government to condemn religion or prayer. Over the history of the USA we have as a people gotten lazy we no long vote for the person we as a whole vote for a party that may or may not really want the best for the people of this country. And in doing so we have let our federal, state, and local power go to career politicians that are not there for the people but to pad their on pockets. We have in effect given our country away to corporations and to foreigner countries. If we do not wake up we are not going to have a country left and we are going to be ruled by the likes of China, North Korea, Russia or even worse Iran.
We do not have that many real jobs left in this country and what jobs we have are not paying as much money as even 10 years ago. We are becoming a nation of pones and kings. We are a debtor nation we owe China more money than we can possibly repay.
When are we going to wake up and take or Nation back, and get rid of the career politicians. And get people that really want to represent us and are will to do so for a short amount of time then go back home to do their own business. We now have politicians ruling us that do not understand us or really live were we live. Also have you noticed how many politicians are so much more wealthy after a few years in serving us then the were before getting first elected. Have you ever really stop to think about how they got that money. It sure as hell was not on a government salary. They are bought and payed to vote the way corporations and foreign governments want them to. We have to put a stop to this.
And we have to do it NOW.
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