Friday, December 8, 2017

It snowed in Central Texas in early December!

It was not a lot of snow and it was too warm to stick to anything but the grass and other cold spots. But it did snow here in Central Texas this early. We normally do not get snow at all and if we do it is after New Years.
We on to the important things, my weight is up a little as expected, I believe it is mostly the salt I have been eating but only time will tell. Also I am a little disappointed in myself because of the salt. But I find it important to learn myself and except what I enjoy eating. I did miss my walk on Wednesday and I just did not feel right about not being able to walk. I was back to walking on Thursday and it was a good walk, it was cloudy and cold but it still was great. Today is clear and sunny it will be cold but warmer than yesterday, I am going to walk today also.
My food choices are not great but not bad either it is just the salt I believe, my calories are still within what my calculations say I should be eating while I am this age and as active as I am. I will just have to see if my metabolism agrees with the calculations. When I was not able to get out and walk I did do more resistance training but not enough to off set the walk. And Wednesday was the first time I did not close all of my rings on my actives. 
I am still learning and experimenting with intuitive eating. I feel it will work, but not sure where my weight will stabilize at. I just am so tired of the diet police and mentality, so this is my way of reject the both of them.

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