Dieting is wrong. So what do I mean about this. I mean the way it is presented in our media, our dieting industry is all wrong. We do not need special food to manage our weight. We do not even need exercise to manage our weight.
So what do we need? First we need to be active as much as we can while we are a wake and going about our day. We need to always eat before we are so hungry we feel we need to eat everything we see. We need to eat slowly and recognize when we have eaten enough and before we are stuffed. We need to stop depriving ourselves of the foods we love, so we do not over eat other foods trying to feel that void.
So what is the answer? First off we have to respect the body we have. Then we have to except that we are not perfect, and allow ourselves to make mistakes. We have to eat the foods we love in the correct amounts, never allowing ourselves to become starving for food, and never being stuffed.
How do we do this? By eating slower and enjoying every bite we eat. By being in tune with our bodies and stomach to know when we have eaten enough to feel just right. By never becoming so hungry that we want to eat everything we see. And by staying active the whole day, and also by never telling yourself you cannot eat the foods you love and the foods your body needs for its best performance.
This process takes time to relearn but if you are like the normal toddler, and child it is the way you ate when you were young. Think back to your childhood. Was your weight normal or were you over weight? For me I was a skinny kid my whole childhood, and as I think back to that time I realize that every kid I knew was the same. We al ate what we loved to eat, good food or bad. We all ate when we felt like eating. We did not think about eating all the time we were too busy being kids, or working for our parents. We did our chores or we were out playing. We did not have TV, or computers all day long or even at night. But I believe we were happier than the kids now day.
What changed so we became so over weight? To start with jobs, schools, and the TV ads. We become stuck in a world where food was being thrown in our faces all the time. We were forced in to eating by the clock instead of eating by the need to eat. For me it was for a long time not eating the most important meal of the day breakfast. I wanted to sleep that few extra minutes in the morning. We became slaves to our jobs, families, and the diet, health, fitness, and food industries of this world. That is what happened and we become over weight. We did not get lazy and we did not lose our will power. For lack of a better think to say we became brain wasted to eat too much, and to exercise too much, along with working too much at jobs that kept us chained to a chair. If you were like me you ate and worked, which means you never paid attention to what you ate it was something to take the edge off your nerves while you worked.
So what does it take to get back to eating and being the way we were back as kids? For me it was making up my mind to do so. It was eating to enjoy food. And it was being active just for the joy of being active.
I am not going to tell you, you have to do this, it is something you have to make up your mind to do. I am only saying it has changed my way of thinking. And it has made me at age 70 feel and think more like I did at 16. And it does feel great.
One last note for today my weight was down one pound this morning. Back to 190, which is 5 pounds below the weight I set for myself, and 5 pounds above what my doctor wants me to be.
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