Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Today’s walk and other thoughts

It never cleared off but it did stop raining. My walk was the same as everyday, same distance, same time to walk it. You would that it would be boring, but it gives me time to think. Today I was thinking just how great my slow transformation has been and how it has been what has made this whole lifestyle change work. It is still true today that fast is not always best. Slow and easy wins most of the time. 

Now to my eating, I am getting to the point now that I no longer want to eat as much as I did for a couple of weeks there. I believe I have finally come to realize that the food is there if I need or want it and I do not have to eat it before it is gone forever. It seems once you come to understand that you are not deprived of anything you begin to not need or want it anymore. To be honest that is a feeling that frees me and is a relief in its, it is also a stress relief. I do not understand why it took so long to realize that this is what living is all about. 

1 comment:

  1. Charles, this seems like a profound insight that has given you a real peace about food. Thanks for sharing.
