Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Learn to eat by your body clock not the clock on the wall

You are more than likely asking what in the hack am I talking about? It is like this if we learn to feed our bodies with the food it needs and wants at the time it needs that food we will naturally eat less overall. My weight issues started when I went into Navy Boot Camp just after turning 21 years old. While a child, and teenager I ate when I needed to eat not by the time of day or clock on the wall. But in Boot Camp I had to eat when told to eat, and that continued for most of the rest of my life. We all have worked or do work for companies that tell us when we can have lunch. If you are like me when I worked most of the time I was not allowed to eat at the work place. Then when we had a chance to eat we were so hungry we ate everything we could find to eat, not even realizing what it was at times. 

Over the last few months I have been eating when my body tells me it needs fuel, and what it needs for fuel, and I did gain a little at first it was mostly water weight. I am now stabilizing and may even be losing a little more weight. Also my weight is not bouncing around as much as it was, sure I have the daily changes in my weight we all do. It depends on what we eat when we eat, and if we did our morning bathroom chores. But I am not seeing a lot of swing in my weight, even with it looking like a large swing on the loseit charts. 

The key I am finding is the eating when my body gives me the signals that I need to eat. What are the signals you ask? 
I may get a minor headache, this is telling me my blood sugar is down, I never allow myself to get to the point I dizzy. 
I cannot really explain it but I will feel it in my stomach.
I will be doing something else read, watching TV, or even talking to my wife and the thought of some food item will pop into my brain. I use to believe that was just me wanting to eat to just eat not anymore I have come to find it is my body telling me what it needs.

I now long find that I have to sat down and eat a whole plate of food or a whole any thing, it can be just a bite or two that takes the edge off that works for me. When I wake up in the morning I will eat a few m&ms, normally 4 to 6 is all that I need to stop my morning headache, until we eat breakfast. We have a good size breakfast and most days we do not fix a lunch for say. I will have fruit, nuts and sometimes a few sardines, and a roll up of thin slices roast beef and cheese. We eat are evening meal when we feel the need normally 5 to 6 pm. But that could be as early as maybe 4 or as late as maybe 7, you see we do not watch the clock anymore. 

Now the question is will it work for you? I do not know that answer, it depends on if you are still working and if you can take to time to be in tune with your body. It also depends on you as a person and what your needs and even desires are.

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