Saturday, September 10, 2016

Part 2 of Our Government is making us fat.

I see that my thinking was correct that so many would not believe what I said. So let us look at some hard to take thoughts. First off there are over 100 research programs that back up what I said about what the food industry, the diet industry, and the fitness industry is doing to us. Their lobbyist live in DC and they continually pay visits to congress. The industries make their money off of keeping us fat. The medical, and drug industry in turn make their money and fortunes on us been sick and needing their services and their drugs. Do you really think any of this group want to see us anything but fat, out of shape and sick? The standards we know have were put in place in 1980 and ever since the American people have been getting fatter. And at the same time we have been eating less, we have been exercising more, and all of the illnesses have been going up and up.
Americans spend more money on fitness, diet, medical services, drugs, and food then any country in the world. We also eat the unhealthiest foods and have the worst medical serves in the world. Folks the industries do not want us healthy. If we were they lose money.
So what is the problem with our eating, it is simple we were never meant to eat grains, and other starchy foods. We were meant to eat meat, veggies, mostly green, nuts, and seeds. We were never meant to eat foods that have DNA modifications so they have longer shelf life and smaller plants create more food. We were never meant to eat processed foods, and all fast food is processed.
Now for my story over just the last few months of eating correctly. I have lost weight I have eaten more I have exercised less. Yes, you are reading that correctly. What have I changed, I have stopped eating grains, bread, rice, cereal, and white potatoes. My exercise is walking, and a resistance workout once or twice a week. I have lost about 20 pounds in 2 months. I still have 30 or 35 pounds to lose, and I have hit one of the set points or plateaus that we all do. I will get off of it but it will take some time. What will my goal weight be I really do not know but I believe it will be about 200 pounds? Now my doctor wants me down to 185, that I do not believe will happen. Why? I will be far too low in my percent of body fat.  I have done this before and kept my weight down to 199 for almost 2 years. Then I got back on the wagon of eating starchy foods and I gained my weight back. Why? I let a dietitian talk me into eating the government plan. It screwed up my weight, added belly fat, and caused my blood chemistry to go bad.
So what do I eat? Breakfast for me is two eggs, 8 oz. of milk with whey protein, and 5 oz. of tomato juice. Lunch is a piece of fruit and celery sticks. Dinner is usually 5 oz. of meat, a large salad with olive oil, and up to 4 cups of veggies. My snacks are mixed nuts unsalted.  Yes, you are seeing it correctly I have about 40 percent of my diet in fats, but good fats.
So other than losing some weight what has changed for me my blood work is much better but needs more improvements that will come as I lose more weight. I no longer have stomach problems with cramping and gas. And I no longer have painful joints, something that use to keep me on the couch because it hurt to walk. And I no longer have the bad sinus headaches and my allergies are much less.

You may still want to follow what you are told and been told by the industry that wants you fat and sick but for me I will follow what I know works. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Our Governments are making us fat.

What I am about to say will not set well with some of you. Weight loss is a lifetime war not just a battle. You have to commit yourself to fighting to keep your weight off the rest of your life. Losing the weight and reaching your goal is not even half the battle, it is only the first skirmish. The war continues with battle after battle the rest of your life. You will tell yourself that now that I have lost the weight I can eat whatever I wish, well that may be true for a cheat meal or cheat day or two ever now and then. But you will always have to weigh and you will always have to watch what you eat and how much and you will always have to do some exercise.
Then there are some of us me included that will always believe we can lose a little more. Well our bodies have set points that it knows is what is a good weight at certain levels of our lives and our eating habits. We can force our bodies to change set points by what we eat and how much. We also influence our bodies set point by what we eat. For some of use it is different foods, but for me it is starchy foods that clog up my hormones and cause my body to add belly fat. And to be honest most of us have the same reaction to starchy foods. I am finding that I can eat some much more calories as long as I do not eat grains, and potatoes. I eat lots of meats, and green veggies, as well as fruits. I do not eat processed foods, or as I call them factory foods. The results for me has been much less stomach issues, gas pains mostly. I also do not have the joint pains that I once had, just think about doing your walks or jogging and not having knee or ankle pains. Well that has happened for me.
I do not even follow the full plan that says not to eat starchy foods, because it also says that dairy is bad for you, guess what I have my morning glass of whole milk with whey protein without any issues and I am still losing my belly and weight. Now more than likely I would lose more of my belly and lose weight faster if I did not drink my milk but that is my choice and it is working for me. We all have to experiment and find what works for us, then we have to stay with what works. If we eat the right foods I am finding that I reach the weight that my body needs to be at and it hold there to within 5 to 10 pounds. The key is keeping our hormones happy and health, which in turn keeps us health, we have to exercise but we do not have to kill ourselves with it. For me it is walking every day, something I love to do anyway. And some weekly or twice a week resistance workouts that I do because I have to not because I want to.
We will always at least most of us be at war with our weight and there will be battle after battle and skirmish after skirmish but we all can handle it as long as we set our mines to doing so.
PS: At least for me I have put the concept of low fat and no fat out of my thoughts. Fat is good, yes I said it fat is good as long as it is not created in a factory. I do not eat foods created in a factory. But I eat foods created by mother nature. I love meat but stay away from meat from animals that were forced fed grains, to fatten them. I love range fed only. Why because if the animals the meat come from were grain fed then I am going to get the same hormone clogging issues as if I ate the grain myself.

Yes, I know that I am going against and fighting what the food industry has force upon our governments to preach to us about grains are needed, and starchy foods are good. It just is not true, and our own governments are making us fat, to that the diet and fitness industries can get rich off of our backs.