Sunday, January 22, 2017

Health and fitness

I have been eating below my BMR for some time, not really because I was trying but just because it has been all I felt like eating. There are days that I will eat well above my BMR but only once a week or so. But I have been trying to eat more and at least get to eating 125 calories on average above my BMR. I am not there yet. But I am slowly getting there. I know I must be careful and not get to the point of gaining weight. I am still between 8 and about 18 pounds above what I need to weigh. My goal and the thinking of my dietitian and myself is that of easing my way to the weight I need to be at, and not be at a point of eating that much more to prevent weight loss once I get to my goal. I have my goal set for 195 that is a weight that I managed to maintain from the summer of 2012 to Christmas of 2013. And now, I am at a weight that I managed to be at or below from February of 2012 until early February of 2014.  My goal of 195 will become my maximum that I want to be at, and I am going to try to go as much as 10 pounds below that.
This coming Thursday I will have my lab work for my physical that is on the Monday after my lab work. I will also be getting another BMR test to see where I am at, as well as retested for any food allergies. I am wanting to be able to eat a wide verity of foods, which is the way I was raised. As of now I am not eating bread, except cornbread. I do eat wild, and brown rice, and potatoes once or twice a week without any issues. I also eat cheerios and a high protein Nature Valley cereal. I am back to eating the fruits that I love without issues. Wheat still gives me some issues but not bad if I do not over do it. I try to stay away from as much processed foods as possible and I do not eat fast foods, well I do cheat if I am on the road traveling but that is not that often. I have come to find out I can cheat at times and enjoy it if I do not make it a habit. And I also believe that I should never completely deprive myself of the foods I enjoy and were raised to eat, I just must learn to limit them.

I do not recommend eating below the BMR it is just something I feel into by mistake and I am now trying to correct it. I also recommend getting tested to find out what your real BMR is. The calculators that are used to determine BMR, using sex, age and weight, are only averages like the calculators for BMI they are not that great. If you really want your weight loss to stick and you want to be healthy and fit do yourself the favor and get the test. It will pay off down the road.

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