Wednesday, June 8, 2016

My health

I am extremely fortunate to be in the extremely good health that I am in. Yes I have fought with my blood pressure at time, and I have fought with my weight my whole adult life. But I am 68 years old and will be 69 in November and I have never been in the hospital. I have never had a broken bone. But I have had issues with my knees ankles and hips, nothing that bad just aches and pains and maybe arthritis. I walk 5 to 8 miles a day, and my beautiful wife sees to it that I have a healthy balanced diet. I am and have been using the VA clinics since 2004 and have had very good service.
I am hard of hearing and I wear hearing aids provided to me by the VA. Also the VA provides all my supplies and extras that I need for my hearing aids.
I believe my good health is something that God has given me and I know that can change in a heartbeat, and when it does I will turn to my God and to my health providers and take what is in the cards for me. And yes if needed I have the insurance to go to private doctors and health care if I see that that is the best for me. And I do keep a doctor in the private sector just in case.

We should never take our health for granted, I know that to well from watching my dad, mom, grandparents go through their health issues. And also my first and also my second wife have had their issues. My eyes are open to what could and more than likely will happen sometime in my future.
I just pray to God everyday to use me and do with me what he will.
God Bless all of my Friends

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