Thursday, April 11, 2013

Looking Back

I look back over the changes I have made since I started this journey (1/1/2011) and I cannot believe it. I have lost more than 85 pounds; I have gone from 46 waist to 34 waist. When I started this journey I could barely walk a quarter of a mile I now walk and average of 6.5 miles a day. I was eating fast food like it was the only thing available, now I refuse to eat fast food at all. Fried food was always on my menu, now I eat it every now and then but even then it is cooked at home in olive oil and not very much of it even. Before starting this journey I did not get outdoors much (was always too tired) now I cannot stand to be inside. I hired my yard work done (I just did not have the energy to do it); now I love doing my own yard (it gets me outside). I lived on the computer and that was all I did, now the computer is my way to make a living and I get away from it every chance I have. I drank died coke like it was water (it was my water), now I cannot stand the taste of it (will drank an A&W Root Beer as a treat). At that time it was not only seconds at every meal it was thirds most of the time. Now I eat what is on my plate (and it is a smaller plate than before) and it most of the time is more than I want. I have always loved fruits and vegetables so that was not a change I have just changed to way I eat them and I can make a meal just out of fruits and vegetables if I wish. I was always a huge red meat eater, and I still eat red meat but not near as much. I have always loved fish; I just eat it a lot more now.
The biggest changes are that I was on cholesterol meds, acid reflux meds, a high dose of blood pressure meds, I am now down to just 1 eighth the amount of blood pressure meds I was on and should be getting off of it soon, and no longer am I taking cholesterol or acid reflux meds. I also have a completely different outlook on life. I was a chore just to get up in the mornings and to do anything. I know look forward to getting up and doing whatever I need to do and better yet what I want to do. I look forward to walking and to riding my bike and even to doing yard work. Life is so much better and I feel so much better. I believe I have a future at my age instead of it being the end of my life.
Everyone needs to exercise and to eat correctly for no other reason than to feel good about themselves and their families and there calling in life. You noticed I hope that I did not say their work I said their calling, as we all have a calling and most of us do not have any idea what that calling is.

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