Sunday, March 12, 2017

I have found a great Linux OS for my old Dell XPS Laptop

I have an old XPS-L501 laptop that has been over heating with Windows 10 on it. And I have tried all of the popular Linux Distros, and then started looking at some of the not so popular Distros. I could give you a list but I have decided just to say that the Distro that I have decided on is KaOS, it is a small distro that is using only the KDE Desktop. It is build from the Linux kernel, and the use of the paceman application builder. It does not have a huge number of applications like the big Distros but it does have the ones that I need. Libreoffice, and Google Chrome. And I am able to install Calibre Ebook Manager from the command line. Most Distros that have KDE Desktop are slow but this OS has been tuned to use KDE and KDE only so it is extremely fast and KDE is very fast also. Also it is the only Linux Distro that I have been able to find that the sleep mode, and hypernation mode works without and issues. Also this distro gets all the latest updates, almost daily. It is a rolling update OS meaning install it once and then keep it updated an you will always be up to date. I have not had any crashes and it has never failed to wake up from sleep or hypernate. 

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