Thursday, June 21, 2018

Why managing my weight is so hard for me

Let me start out with this my wife Linda is five foot six and 125 pounds fully dressed. She has a stomach the size of about a coffee cup. Why you ask? At Christmas time in 2012 she got very sick and ended up in the ER. They really did not find anything wrong until they did an upper GI, they found her stomach was twisted like a Barbers Pole. She was sent to a Gastrologist, who determined that she needed surgery and ASAP, but the insurance company refused the surgery saying it was for weight control even though my wife was weighing only 135. It took 3 more trips to the ER and a call from my company’s lawyer before they would approve the surgery and by then my wife’s stomach and died, and my wife was very close to being dead too. The surgery was successful and my wife is doing great now but I almost lost her. The surgery did not take place until early March 2013. Well, that is a little background now for the reasons of my issues.

My wife is under weight and more than likely will never be able to gain the weight she needs. She loves pasta, bread, anything Italian. Than means she loves carbs, and potatoes. I have gotten her to understand that I cannot control my weight by eating the high amount of carbs and potatoes. But she still gets upset when I refuse what she wants to eat. I refuse to fuss at her because at least she is eating enough to hold on to the weight she has. This is the reason I have such an issue, and the reason I am finally going to fasting. I can at least give my body a rest for the extra insulin, and I can cut some calories. And my wife is old school and refuses to except that carbs and potatoes, and bread are not that great for any of us.  She is a great cook and she does cook what I need along with what she wants, but she will not at times give in and just let me not eat the carbs and potatoes. For me eating out is a two sided sword. I can choice the foods I want to eat which is great but the other side is the extra salt in the foods. But I am finding that apple cider vinegar and ginger helps me get the extra water weight off faster. 

For me fasting is trying not to eating between meals and only eating breakfast and dinner, and never eating after dinner or at bedtime. It is normally 14 - 16 hours for me between dinner and breakfast the next day. If I need a stack then it is nuts, mostly almonds, and walnuts. I do not drink sugary drinks, except a very small amount of fruit juice with breakfast. Breakfast was the largest meal but I have lately manage to cut it back to about half of what it was. Dinner is mostly salad, meat, and other veggies. The only time I have bread is at breakfast. Sometimes dinner will be pasta and or potatoes. I do my best to keep it to as small amount as I can. 

We do what we have to, to keep our spouses happy. 

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