Saturday, May 5, 2018

A beautiful day

Woke up with a headache, but still was a beautiful sunny day. 

My weight was up a pound, but it is to be expected after a loss two days in a row. I am still eating below my burn calories, even the other day when I was over budget. I had eaten less then my burn calories for the day. 

Today we are trying to get things ready for the flooring to be installed. So I cleaned out my office as much as possible, and moved the modem and router back to the kitchen so they are not in my office. I am hoping they will do my office early in the process so they can move some of the stuff from the rest of the house out in my office. My wife has her sewing room in pretty good shape for the flooring install. Tomorrow we have to take down the TV and other electronics so they are out of the way before they get here Monday morning. 

I took some time and took the scooter out and rode around some new areas of the Village I have not ridden before and had to stop and start on some steep hills both up and down. I am getting better at starting and stopping and I am getting use to having cars following me. 

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