Friday, May 18, 2018

I have not spoken about Intuitive Eating for a while

My eating habits are more or less Intuitive Eating. I eat what I like to eat, but I do try to eat mostly real food. My weakness is ice cream, and chocolate chip cookies. My calorie intake is averaging just under 1700 calories a day. I do have days that I am way over that and a few days that I am way under. My average calorie burn is 2200 calories a day. You would thing I am losing weight but I would say honestly that I am breaking even when you think about true calories eaten and also the fact that I am proving that not all calories are equal. I am finding that if I keep my salt levels down, my sugar level down, and I do not eat much in the way of grain than I do much better in the weight loss area. I am finding it is not simply a calorie in and a calorie out in the real world. Sure it may be that way if ever calorie was weighed and measured, and if every calorie burned was also measured some way. But life is not that perfect. We all under estimate how much we eat. And the devices we use also over estimate the calories we burn. 

I know that the a lot of you on Loseit believe that it is always calories in and calories out. I am here to say that is not proving to be so with me. 

Life is too short to eat by a book or eat what we do not like to eat. I have tried that and it can only last so long then we are eating worse that before. It is best to eat what we love to eat and to keep it as real and as healthy as possible most of the time. 

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