Thursday, April 5, 2018

A cloudy morning and again cold for me

Good morning everyone it may be cold at least for me but I am getting use to it a little at a time. 

This morning my weight was back down to 194.8, I am beginning to believe that my body has found its happy weight. Only time will tell. My calories are coming down to an average of 1800 a day, and that is mostly due to very limited sugar intake, and doing my best to keep my salt below 1750 mg a day. 

I have done by best to stay out of politics and the gun issue, but I have to say this. I believe in gun ownership. I believe in my right to defend my family, friends, fellow citizens, and myself. I believe that once we have to give up our guns then we will become slaves to what ever government wises. The second amendment was put in place to allow citizens to defend themselves against a government gone wrong. I believe that the issues in this country is that we as parents lost the right to discipline the our kids back in the late 60s and it has just gotten worse since. I also believe that taking God out of the schools, and out of public daily life has destroyed this nation and the world. Now I have said what is really on my mine. 

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