Sunday, April 15, 2018

Cold sunny day

This morning was kind of cold and in the morning will be colder, but the week will be warming up. It is going to be a very busy week. I have blood lab work, tomorrow then we need to find out if we are getting the carpet removed and replaced with a parka flooring. Tuesday my wife has a doctor’s appointment. Wednesday the first of our three guys (dogs) have Vet appointments. Thursday nothing at this time, and Friday I have my doctor’s appointment at the local VA clinic. And somehow we have to find a place to store our camp trailer and get it ready for our trip the next week. And also someway I have to make time to start my walks and work on my scooter riding and control. 

My weight is still not coming down which is upsetting, but I really do not see it doing so until I can really get back to walking. My calories are down, my weekly average is really too low, my weekly average is 1795, and my 28 day average is 1863. This should be good enough to allow me to lose at least a half pound a week. So It looks like my metabolism is still below what it should be. But I do not expect it to improve as long as I am not doing my walks. 

I have not written anything for Saturday or Sunday. Lets see, Friday night we had storms in the area and we feared that we would have storm damage, power outages, but we did not have anything but some rain thunder and lightening. I checked out the area Saturday morning and only saw a few small dead branches down and some leaves off the trees. Saturday we windy and cold for this time of year. 

This morning was church and then we were to go to my sisters, but never made it. Curtis did check out the trailer and it is functioning great, but there is a broken area in on of the skylights that he will fix tomorrow. He is also going to fill our gas bottles. I managed to program the Jeep’s garage door opener, and I hope I did not remove the code for our friend Jullie’s garage door. 

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