Temperature wise this is the warmest morning we have had all week, but due to the fog and dampness it feels colder than the mornings earlier in the week.
We went to see “The Darkest Hour," it is about the war and Winston Churchill becoming Prime Mister fo England. It goes to show that even when you are being told you are wrong but your gut tells you, you are right stick with what your gut is telling you. I sometime feel that way when people tell me that I am not eat correctly by their standards, but I know what is working for me. I have gotten to the point I just say that works for you, you stick with it. I know what is working for me and I am going to stick with it. I have been told by even a doctor that should know better that we cannot listen to our bodies and stomach to know when and how much to eat. I have been told to stop trying to depend on myself to know what to eat and when and how much by so called trainers and diet specialist that want to sell me their plans to control my life. I say to them all I know now what is working for me. It is working even now with all of the stress that I am under getting moved, selling this home, buy the new one, and worrying about my wife that has been so sick since Christmas. I say again trust your gut it knows.
My weight is holding at 189 even with all the extra salt lately, and the stress and eating foods that I am not that use to. What is making it work is that I am only eating to not be hungry or full. But I was feeling stuffed yesterday at the movies due to eating popcorn, but popcorn is only a filler, when it has low salt and now butter on it. Dinner last night was cabbage soup that my wife made and we found in the freezer. She makes it will very little to now salt. And cabbage soup is a great diuretic.
I am looking forward to the move because I feel that God is pushing and leading me to something that He wants me to do. I am sure he will show me soon enough but you know how inpatient we humans are.
The Church here is giving us a special celebration tomorrow after the early service. I am going to miss my friends here so very much.
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