Life is so short. And always so much that I want to do. Got news while at church than my brother-in-law has his arteries to his brain almost fully clogged up. He will have more test tomorrow and all I could do when I read my sister’s message was cry. I often ask God, but I really do understand that God know all that will happen to us our whole life, and he also knows if will except his guides we will do what is right, but he knows that most if now all of us are very hardcore on doing what we think best and do not listen to what God is telling us. Even if we do everything God wants us to do he will still test us and give us hardships to make us a better person in his sight.
I pray everyday that God will forgive my sins that I commit every minute of everyday. We are human and do what humans do we make mistakes and we sin against God and ourselves. We do not respect one or the other which is a sin against God. We think bad things even if we do not go bad things physically we still sin against God.
Today is cloudy and warm but it feels colder than it should due to the humidity. Linda seems to be feeling better. But I have been cold all day. We cleaned out the refrigerator, and the refrigerator freezer today. We only have ten days until we leave the state I was born in and grew up in. I feel God it leading me to new adventures, and maybe finally I will learn what he has for me to do for Him. I can think of so much that I would like to do for God but without God’s approval and wishes all I would be doing is what I want.
Weight wise this morning I am still about 189.6 which is a little heavier than I would like but I am not seeing and difference in my cloths. I am still getting to much salt so I feel I have a few pounds of water weight that I should not normally have. My eating is still good. I am still averaging about 1900 calories a day, which is below my calorie burn rate even when I do not get to be very active like most of this week. On my least active days I am still burning 2000+ calories a day. I do some days still eat wrong and too much.
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