Tuesday, February 13, 2018

It is a cloudy morning and cold

Just looking at the forecast for the next 10 days, the short version rain everyday is possible. This is not what we need, we need to get the fence up and the shed built. I it also makes it hard pulling boxes and out things out of the garage so I can working on putting things on shelves. We also have a large hanging shelf that needs to be installed. 

Even with my being busy around the house, I am having issues getting my weight back down to where it was. It may be that I was too low at that point and my body just adjusted to it. But I have been eating food I should not be eating. I need to cut back, but not cut out. I also, believe that some of this is due to my muscles being very sore and needing repair and my muscles are holding on to water to repair themselves. My hands, ankles, knees and every muscle in my body is sore at this time. It is not that I have hurt myself it is just using them again in ways they are not use to. 

I believe in intuitive eating but I also believe you can over do it. Intuitive eating is great but you have to use common sense. I also believe that I am not taking time to eat when I should be and I am getting overly hungry and over eating. It least I have not been feeling stuffed, but maybe I am not paying attention to myself the way I should either at this time being so busy with the house. 

This is just the things I have to think about and keep myself on my toes. 

I feel Blessed to be here and to have such a wonderful wife.

One last thought a person, a country or even the world without God has already failed. 

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