Saturday, March 10, 2018

Not happy with myself

I am gaining weight, some maybe water but I am still gaining and it is because I am not getting my walks in as I should, and I am eating too much with not doing my walks. I am removing from the house everything that I know I can binge on. I am also not able to get the needed fruits, and veggies I need to replace the crap I have been eating. I will get this back under control. But I have got to be patient and cut my intake down due to the lack of my walking. I know me and I cannot do it cold turkey I have to back off slowly. I am finding to try and do it all at once I end up eating more I have been. So it may take me a few weeks to reduce the calories I am eating. I know I am not going to be able to do daily walks for the for seeable future, there is just too much to do here at the house. I am also going to reread “The Diet Fix” and “Intuitive Eating”  this will help me refocus myself. The problem is I know what I need to do but I am having a problem getting back on track. 

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