Saturday, December 23, 2017

Today is mostly sunny and cold

Today is much better then yesterday and cold for us here in Central Texas. The house inspector is due here this morning and we had to jump to get paperwork signed before Sunday. I knew this would happen, I had a dream that the house would sell at Christmas about 2 weeks ago. 

My walk yesterday afternoon was cold but and damp I did not get wet except with sweat. I seem to alway sweat when I walk regardless of the weather. I did my normal route but my pace was faster by about 5 minutes for the distance. Strange what cold air will do to motivate you. Over all I did not get any adjustment on Loseit yesterday but that is okay since I was trying to stay warm most of the day. 

My weight was 188 this morning, I believe mostly due to salt the last few days due to having soups to eat. But soup is our go to food when it is cold. 

I do a lot of research and one of the interesting things I have read in multiple places is that if you are at a normal weight when you become 21 or stop growing then over the course of your life and normally by age 50 you should gain about 20 pounds, this is a healthy weight and should be no problem. At 21 years on I weighed 168 and now my weight seems to be settling in at 188. 

Also an interesting point, years ago I read it is Different for Men, it was written by a person that was CEO for Weight Watchers for a time, but he was seeing that Weight Watchers was mostly dealing with women’s weight issues and left and went on to set up his own clinic for men. I believe the clinic is in Canada. I have read the book about 3 times over the years. He was still a believer in the Weight Watchers point system for a while then he went on to say that about 2000 calories a day was right for most mean to lose and maintain their weight. I still log on loseit and I do not pay close attention to my calories except when I look at my loseit report from the day before, and guess what I am settling in on just about 2000 calories as my average. 

As for as myself this intuitive eating is starting to really catch on with me. I am feeling so much better physically and mentally too. I still have to make myself slow down when eating so I feel my fullness but it is beginning to be more the norm than not. It also, helps that we do not place the food on the table and take what we want, we fix our plates and take the plates to the table, and any leftovers go into making a meal for later. Breakfast is never a problem for me, and for lunch I am normally just snacking on fruits and nuts. Dinner can still be an issue, but with us making our plates up before putting them on the table helps a lot. One thing I am going to have to watch and be careful of is that I am allowing myself to have an evening snack if I feel like it. 

Life is about living, loving, learning, enjoying ourselves. Sure we have to work most of our lives, but I have always been lucky to have jobs that I enjoyed. The key to life is enjoyment of what you do. And also life is about believing in being a good and moral person, for me that means believing in God. 

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